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当雷雨云笼罩了风筝之后。When a thundercloud comes over the kite.

请求上升高度层,因雷雨云和颠簸。Request higher level due to CB and turbulence.

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有大火行程的雷雨云。These fire-provoked thunderstorm clouds are known as pyrocumulonimbus clouds.

超大胞雷雨云的边缘犬牙交错如同雕刻出的一般,大风卷着雨水和尘埃雄踞其中.前景是一棵树在耐心等待风暴来袭。Jagged sculptured clouds adorn the supercell's edge, while wind swept dust and rain dominate the center.

尽管貌似一艘太空飞船,但它实际上是一种令人印象深刻的雷雨云,叫做超大胞雷雨云。Although it may seem like an alien mothership, it's actually a impressive thunderstorm cloud called a supercell.

但当雷雨云爆发时,会向地面倾泻大量雨水,用不了一个小时骤雨就会把安静的河流变成狂暴的洪水。The essential cycle of life on Earth, but when thunderclouds burst, quite incredible quantities of water can fall.

高积云是紧紧地交织在一起的小积云。这些雷雨云常常使大地一片昏暗。Altocumulus clouds are small cumulus clouds that are knitted tightly together. These storm clouds often darken the land.

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在空中不知道会遇到些甚麽,有时会遇到晴空一片、看到银河系、满天星空、又或是急湍气流、雷雨云、甚至可能是劫机者。No one knows what will come ahead of you, e. g. clear sky, milky way, stary stary nights, turbulence, thunderstorms, even hijackers.

去年夏天,我们在ICLRT进行的实验,得到了一项迷人的证据,可支持雷雨云内部有逃逸崩溃现象。A fascinating piece of evidence supporting runaway breakdown inside thunderclouds came from our experiments at the ICLRT last summer.

情人们围着木梯追逐打闹,在阳台上谈情说爱,仙子们用粉笔在墙上圈画着一个个爱心和雷雨云。The lovers chased each other around ladders and balconies, and fairies covered the walls with hearts and thunderclouds scribbled in chalk.

你无处可走,只能沿路而上,你开始诅咒自己为什么没有选择一个更合适的时间开始攀登以避免这不可避免,在下午必然会出现的雷雨云帖。With no place to go but up, you silently curse yourself for not getting a proper alpine start to avoid the inevitable afternoon thunderheads.

这座风车又大又白——而且白得很厉害,每当雷雨云绕到它的背后时,整个风车就光亮的如同铝制的一样。FOR this mill stands high and white -- so white, indeed, that when there is a thunder-cloud behind it, it seems a thing of polished aluminium.

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根据美国国家气象局的资料,龙卷风是由雷雨云所形成,旋转速度每小时可高达600公里以上。According to the U. S. National Weather Service, tornadoes form from thunderclouds and can reach swirling speeds in excess of 600 kilometers per hour.

这个发现说明,雷雨云内可能发生逃逸崩溃的过程,与人造闪电的发生有关。This finding suggests that massive runaway breakdown may have happened within the thundercloud in a process related to the initiation of the triggered lightning.

由于频繁的云间闪电和月光,你几乎可以在这张夜景中看到超大胞雷雨云在清澈星空下的整个光学特点。In this nighttime image you can see nearly all optical features of a supercell under a clear starry sky thanks to very frequent intracloud lightning and moonlight.

礼拜天的早上,我和妻子帕特坐在露天平台上,一边悠闲地品着咖啡,一边看着南边地平线上正迅速堆积成云山的雷雨云砧。My wife Pat and I were nursing1 a Sunday morning cup of coffee on our deck and watching thunderheads build rapidly into mountainous clouds on the southern horizon.

然而大部分气象学家相信,冰是一个重要因素,因为闪电常常只能在雷雨云上部形成冰时才能被看到。Most meteorologists believe, however, that ice is a necessary factor, because lightning is not usually observed until ice has formed in the upper layers of thunderclouds.

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继续以大象作为单位,赫穆斯菲尔德估计一片标准的雷雨云——一片积雨云——在任何特定时间内,都相当于与1,500万头大象相同重量的水漂浮在天空中。Sticking with the elephant unit, Heymsfield estimated that a typical thunderstorm cloud -- a cumulonimbus -- has 15 million elephants worth of water floating in the air at any given time.

至于它们是如何得知塞伦盖蒂大草原上哪里在下雨——是因为看到了远方翻滚的雷雨云层还是嗅到了干燥空气里的湿气,人们不得而知。No one is sure how they know that it is raining in another part of the Serengeti—whether it is by seeing the billowing thunderheads towering in the distance or by smelling the moisture in the dry air.