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因缺爱而死,那是不堪设想的。To die for lack of love is horrible.

没有经验的生活是不堪设想的。We cannot imagine having no experience.

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在这样一个雾天中汽车如果再开快一点后果真是不堪设想。A fast car in such a fog would have ended in a disaster.

在第一个案例中,如果大家都偷懒,成果会糟得不堪设想In the first case, if everyone shirks you end up with a bad product.

这些隐私信息一旦泄露,后果不堪设想。Once these privacy information are divulged , consequence is unimaginable.

不能堵塞泄洪道,否则后果不堪设想。The spillway cannot be blocked, otherwise it will cause a serious problem.

如果你踩在刺鳐的身上或刺扎你腿,后果都会不堪设想的。If you step on a stingray and get the spine inside your leg , it hurts very badly.

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她或者他应该能够说服你的愚蠢决定和后面不堪设想的后果。She or he should be able to convince you of stupid decisions and future consequences.

否则,近亲结婚导致的悲剧将不堪设想。Or else, there could be a tragedy of biological siblings getting married, " she said."

对阶级敌人的女儿着笔太多,其后果不堪设想。Too more prettifying classic enemy’s daughter, the consequences would be unimaginable.

你不能采用机场安检措施,因为由此耽误的时间不堪设想。You cannot apply airport measures because the delays it would create would be impossible.

在地下铁道中,一旦发生火灾事故,后果不堪设想。In subway, once fire disaster occurs, the outcome would be so terrible that one could not imagine.

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如果角膜上皮细胞经常破皮或角质化,后果不堪设想。If the cornea epithelial cells often broken skin or keratinization and consequence is unimaginable.

如果不赶快救援,一旦坠落,砸伤过往行人,后果将不堪设想。If we do not immediately rescue, once crashed, past pedestrians injured, the consequences would be disastrous.

虽然那场车祸造成我肩膀的肌腱断裂、脚胫也严重受伤,但我知道后果原本可能更不堪设想。Although the accident had left me with torn shoulder tendons and a mangled shin, I knew it could've been a lot worse.

倘若未来得及认识该研究里的预测,对整个社会而言,后果是不堪设想的将的。If the projections in this study come even close to being realized, the consequences for society worldwide will be enormous.

如果有什么值得安慰和庆幸,那就是恐怖分子的有些资源并没有得到充分利用,否则后果不堪设想。If there's consolation, it's that the terrorist assets now known to exist were not used as effectively as they might have been.

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展望未来,如果到五月台风季节人们的居住环境仍未改善,后果将不堪设想。Looking to the future, when the hurricane season hits in May, if people are still living like this, the outcome will be catastrophic.

因为施工质量低劣,造成工程质量事故或潜伏隐患,其后果是不堪设想的。Because poor construction quality may result in project quality accident or have potential hazards, whose consequences are unimaginable.

左少卿闻之一愣,外面的同志正在进行军火交易,如果右少卿把这一次交易牵扯出来,后果不堪设想。Comrade ZuoShaoQing smell one leng, the outside is ongoing arms deal, if the right ShaoQing traded this time out, consequence is unimaginable.