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这个问题的答案一定是千姿百态的。The answers have to be colorful.

人们在水里表现出千姿百态。People do beautiful things in the water.

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洞中的钟乳石千姿百态,形状奇特。Mix of the stalactite cave, strange shapes.

台湾每个现代派诗人都有独特的追求,风格千姿百态。The purpose and the style of every Taiwan's modern poet are different.

大千世界的五光十色与千姿百态被认为是理所当然。The panorama of colour and action which fills the world is taken for granted.

从地域、民俗的角度来看,中国的酒文化可谓是千姿百态。China's various wine cultures could be seen from area and customs point of view.

基因大家庭进化得如此之快,除了夺命狂奔演化出千姿百态,种群别无他路。And with such rapid genome evolution, the population could be nothing but diverse.

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绝大多数为圆形或椭圆形,也有许多千姿百态、造型奇特者。The vast majority of a round or oval, also have a lot of variety, styling peculiar.

精灵奇巧的雾凇千姿百态,笨拙憨厚的灌木清纯天成。Kit Kat Wizard of thousands of Rime, the simple and honest clumsy shrubs pure heaven.

荷花千姿百态,洁白无暇,像水晶一样纯洁。Lotus in different poses and with different expressions, the pure white, pure as crystal.

瞧,那一盏盏五彩缤纷千姿百态的花灯真是令人大饱眼福。Look, which lights the lantern lights strange things was a very colorful feast for the eyes.

千姿百态的地形地貌,是由不同的岩石构成的,有些是硬岩石,有些是软岩石。And the shapes of the landforms are thanks to a lucky mixture of rocks, some hard, some soft.

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上万年来,这些江河塑造并改变着中国千姿百态的锦绣河山。These rivers have formed and carved the glorious and varied Chineselandscapes over millennia.

还有花篮、宝塔以及各种神话幻想形象,千姿百态,逼真传神,既是美食又是工艺美术品。And a basket, pagodas and various myths fantasy image, and preached, both food and crafts items.

这里是一片奇形怪状的太湖石,千姿百态,惟妙惟肖。Here are a large amount of Taihu Stones with strange shapes in various poses, all vivid to life.

继续往下看,千姿百态的云,有的只能在特定的地点特定的天气下才能得以一见。Moving on, clouds comes in various forms and some can only be seen in certain weather and places.

宝鼎寺周围尽是千姿百态的石头,俗称小石林。Treasure Tripod Temple is among stones of different weird shapes, known as a Little Stone Forest.

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当东方朝霞将红光投向树林,那千姿百态的雾凇更显得晶莹多姿。When the red light into the East Zhaoxia woods, that mix of fog Jingying Song scene in even more.

于是横滨市和横滨港以其千姿百态在他眼前闪过。Then the city and the harbor of Yokohama , in a thousand pictures, began flashing before his eyes.

地壳岩石中千姿百态的构造变形都是力的作用结果。Thousands of deformed structures in the rocks of the earth's crust are the products of earth power.