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他的行为使她莫名其妙。His behaviour confounded her.

一半的时间,得到的结果都是莫名其妙。Half the time I get an odd result.

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心,还是莫名其妙的会痛?!Heart, still puzzlingly would pain?!

我感到莫名其妙,她怎么竟然做出这样的事。It beats me how she can have done it.

莫名其妙地想法浮现在他心头。Idle thoughts floated through his mind.

现在行为怪异反倒让人有种莫名其妙的自豪感。Now it's a point of pride in a weird way.

她行为古怪我感到莫名其妙.I was puzzled by the oddity of her behaviour.

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如果他突然莫名其妙的消失了。If he disappears suddenly and unintelligibly.

苏比又莫名其妙地被投进了监狱。Soapy was hurled into prison again for nothing.

现在轮到他莫名其妙地四处张望了。It was now his turn to look about in perplexity.

一切都莫名其妙地相安无事,从这儿可以得到一个教训。Somehow it all works, and there is a lesson here.

房子被笼罩在一种莫名其妙的晦黯中。The house was shrouded in some strange cloudiness.

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他们为什么要做此事我仍莫名其妙。Theie reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.

多数左派迄今都是沿用的这个莫名其妙的用法。Most of the left has followed this confusing usage.

他们莫名其妙地放弃了那些正在升值的公债。They surrendered the lucrative bonds for no reason.

车祸过后他感到一种莫名其妙的后怕。He has such a panic fear after the traffic accident.

不过他就这样莫名其妙地赢得了观众的心。And yet, somehow, Deadpool has won audiences' hearts.

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莫名其妙的好运气,没有东西可代替。There is no substitute for in comprehensible good luck.

会很快写下在你开快车中那莫名其妙的超速罚单。I’ll write your ticket as ridiculously fast as you drive.

他为什么讲这番话,真叫人莫名其妙。It is quite baffling why he should have made such remarks.