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她们微笑的模样。The way they smile.

他的模样像一只牧羊狗。He looked like a sheepdog.

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她的脸变模样了。Her face was transfigured.

他有一副天真的模样。He wears an air of innocence.

看看爱悠这好奇的模样!Look Aiu, such curious image!

谁像我这幅丑模样?没人知来没人讲。Who is so ugly? Nobody knows.

万圣节我该打扮成什么模样?What should I be for Halloween?

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瞧他骑着骡子小跑的神气模样儿!How he trots along on his mule !

我的身躯,打碎这沉思模样!Break, my body, this pensive form!

我不知道她在照片上是什么模样。I wonder what she photographs like.

但大致的模样出来了。But it has a general feeling for it.

她打算装扮成鬼的模样。She intended to dress up as a ghost.

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一个矮胖的书生模样的士兵说道。A soldier of dumpy scholar shape say.

蹦蹦跳跳的,别理会那滑稽的模样。Skip and hop. Ignore the funny looks.

一个主管模样的人出现在门口。A matronly head appeared around a door.

光这一点本身就会使你的世界大变模样。That alone makes a world of difference.

在这部影片中他装扮成美猴王的模样。He dresses up as Monkey King in the film.

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这是他惯常的模样,是一种好斗的表情。He was in no truculent state of mind now.

而在小林面前,我又得装出一副人的模样。I pretend to be a human through Linguini.

喷点漆就能让这辆旧车变个模样。A little paint will transform this old car.