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大凡男权社会的男人,都有这种通病。In a sexist male society, that's a common illness.

大凡酒后开车的都易出车祸。Generally those who drink will cause traffic accidents.

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大凡事物,听其自然就会每况愈下。Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

也许大凡搞艺术的人都有些类似的雅好。May engage in the arts are generally similar Nga some good.

大凡成功者,无不相信全力以赴的力量。Individuals who succeed have a belief in the power of commitment.

两年前,大凡重要的美国公司无不全身心地拥抱二维码。Two years ago, major companies in the U.S. jumped in with both feet.

因此,大凡有在媒体露脸留痕的机会,他都绝不放过。Therefore, a in a media appearances in evidence chance, he never pass.

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大凡毫无目的的逃亡者,他们遇到岔路,一般会下意识地右拐。A no, they meet the evacuees fork, general will subconsciously, turn right.

大凡人死在热天,就会冒出这种白沫来,我见过。When people die in hot weather, they usually foam at the mouth just as he did.

记住这大凡来自做大大都人不做的事情。Remember that this usually comes from doing the things that most people don't do.

大凡美丽的事物,均可让人怦然心动,心生愉悦。Almost all the beautiful things people can be most exciting, heart health pleasure.

大凡写小说的,谁不想弄出一部“伟大的中国小说”?Generally write novels, and who do not want to come up with a "great Chinese novel"?

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但是大凡住房供应过剩,房价就会下跌,这又对业主造成了损失。Where housing is oversupplied, prices will have to fall, inflicting losses on homeowners.

大凡合钠多的食物,包括咸菜、咸肉、腐乳等,应在限制之列。A more fitting sodium foods, including the pickle, bacon, fermented bean curd, should limit.

大凡钢琴家都在早年接受过专业训练。Generally speaking , the most pianists all accepted the professional training in the year one.

大凡成功的酒店,需要有一大批有识之士来共同建设。Mostly successful cabaret, needed a large quantity to know of the private come to common construction.

大凡交易热闹时进场,才有希望获得短期的差价收益。Trade generally lively when enter the arena talent is promising achieve earnings of short-term price difference.

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大凡知道他品性的人,见他选好位置,拿稳战斧,知道俘虏这下可是凶多吉少。Those who knew his character thought the captive in imminent danger when he took his stand and poised the tomahawk.

不论我何时到这里来度周末,Prasanna-一个车痴,大凡与车有关系的,他都爱不释手-总会帮我洗车。Whenever I came down for the weekend Prasanna, a car freak who loved everything about cars, would wash my car for me.

大凡知道他品性的人,见他选好位置,拿稳战斧,知道俘虏这下可是凶多吉少。Those who knew His character, thought the captive in imminent danger, when he took His stand, and poised the tomahawk.