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放松腹股沟。Release inner groins.

我是乔正在抽筋的腹股沟。I am Joe's Shrinking Groin.

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把内侧的腹股沟拉向盆骨。Draw the inner groins deep into the pelvis.

这个拉伸可以拉伸你腹股沟周围的肌肉。This will stretch the muscles around the groin.

牙齿同腹股沟和腋窝一样重要。Teeth are as important as the groin and armpits.

腹股沟淋巴结肿大的药物治疗控制方法?Of inguinal lymph node enlargement medication control method?

结果髂腹股沟区存在着丰富的血供。Results There is abundant blood supply in the ilioinguinal region.

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应该使用热的敷布敷在患者的胸部与腹股沟部。Instead , apply warm compresses to the neck , chest wall and groin.

小儿腹股沟汕的发病率较高,为…The young child inguen Shantou's disease incidence rate is high, is.

股癣是一种真菌在腹股沟区的瘙痒性皮炎。Tinea cruris is a fungal pruritic dermatitis in the inguinal region.

目的探讨无张力疝修补手术在治疗腹股沟疝中的临床疗效。Objective To explore the clinical effect of tension-free hernioplasty.

其他常见部位包括腹股沟区和精索。Another common location for it is the inguinal area and spermatic cord.

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我做了半月板手术,我整修了我的腹股沟。I had my meniscus surgery and I rehabbed my groin last year in Indiana.

妇女可以用脚趾尖前踢在腹股沟罢工攻击。Women can use a pointed toe front kick to strike an attacker in the groin.

一个三十五天大的幼儿接受二沟腹股沟疝气门诊手术。A 35-day-old male infant was scheduled for bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy.

如腹股沟襞、脐沟、腋下襞等部位。Such as groin patieats, periumbilical ditch, armpit areas such as the patieats.

当你洗身体时,只关注重点部位,也就是腹股沟和腋窝。When you wash your body, just hit the hot spots, i.e., your groin and underarms.

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婴儿一般出在脖子和胸部,有时也会出现在腹股沟部位。Babies tend to get them on their necks and chests, and sometimes their groin area.

目的提高对隐匿性及复发性腹股沟斜疝的认识和诊断水平。ObjectiveTo improve the diagnosis of occult or recurrent inguinal indirect hernias.

腹股沟疝无张力修补日间手术是安全、可行的,并具有明显优势。Tension-free hernion'haphy day surgery is safe, feasible, and has obvious advantages.