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他依靠双亲生活。He subsists on his parents.

他的双亲都参与了此次战斗。Both his parents fought in it.

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放风筝的人便是我至亲至爱的双亲。The kite is my dearest parents.

她想念过死的双亲。She missed her deceased parents.

你们应当知道,我们是有双亲的人。You must know that we have parents.

但,不久后,双亲还是离了婚。But his parents divorced in the end.

请代我向你的双亲问好。Please give my regards to your parents.

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组件拥有双亲和标识符。Components have parents and identifiers.

值得庆幸的是他双亲性情非常温和。It's lucky that his parents are so equable.

双亲是布朗森和阿碧盖尔·艾尔考特。Her parents were Bronson and Abigail Alcott.

只有段留下来照顾他的双亲。Only Duan is left to look after his parents.

自幼失去双亲的她,跟着舅舅舅妈相依为命。He lost her parents, and follow the uncle aunt.

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约翰的双亲会因他的安然归来而惊喜万分。John's parents will rejoice at his safe return.

为健民的妈妈及慧嫦的双亲健康感恩。Thank God for good health of all of our parents.

在双亲都工作的家庭里,用砂锅做饭是一个比较流行的方法。Crock pot cooking is popular among working parents.

她的双亲阻止她诉请离婚。Her parents prevented her from suing for a divorce.

拥有吸烟双亲的孩子更早魂归天堂。Children of parents who smoke, get to heaven earlier.

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凯利的双亲认为他不久就会回家。His parents anticipate Garys return home will be soon.

他的双亲现在长眠于本地教堂墓地。His parents were now reposing in the local churchyard.

这些孩子孝敬他们的双亲。The children treated their parents with filial respect.