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主林木是米。The main crop is rice.

这一地区林木繁密。This area is densely wooded.

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林木线以上清凉泉水。A cool spring above the timberline.

火焚毁了千亩林木。Fire destroyed thousand acres of timber.

全园林木葱郁,古松参天。All wood lush gardens, towering old pines.

洪水是由于滥伐林木造成的。The flood is caused by cutting too much trees.

黄昏的时候你大概能在山上林木线这样高处不胜寒的地方看见他。You might glimpse him in the tree-line at dusk.

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林木和林分是两级不同水平的生态系统。Tree and stand are two different level ecosystems.

第二是求王让他使用国家的林木。Also he would need timber out of the king's forests.

此法案现在涵盖了非法采伐的林木产品。It now covers the produce of illegal logging as well.

岸边一带林木蓊郁,嫩绿一片,好一个山外的小海湾。The shore line is wooded, olive-green, a pristine cove.

东部地区为林木种植适宜区。The East Jilin was a suitable region for arbor planting.

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它像巨人般地高耸在近处的林木间。It towered like a giant above all the other tree near by.

林木苍翠、绵延起伏的骊山。The undulating Lishan Mountain is covered with pine trees.

保护生物多样性在林木育种中必须予以重视。Protecting biodiversity must be emphasized in tree breeding.

另一处在伦敦南郊的林木苍翠的低洼地。The other is in the lowlands of a leafy south London suburb.

中国卫矛科植物新纪录属——库林木属。Kurrimia — a new recorded genus of Chinese celastraceous flora.

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两人在林木中飞速奔跑,左躲右闪地穿过森林。They ran quickly through the trees, snaking through the forest.

这地方景色宜人,土质肥沃,林木茂密,牧草丰盛。It was a pleasant fertile spot, well wooded , and rich in pasture.

这一结论可为林木早期选择提供初步依据。The conclusion provides primary bases for forest nonage selection.