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红瑶服饰的主要原料当为桑蚕丝。The raw material of their dress is natural silk.

它具有羊绒和桑蚕丝两者的优点。It has the advantages of both cashmere and mulberry silk.

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它以棉纱为芯,桑蚕丝包复在芯线外层,形成独特的真丝复合丝新材料。It forms a special composite yarn with cotton as the core thread covered by mulberry silk.

南京润蚕人蚕丝绵有限公司是专业现场手工制作桑蚕丝被的企业。Nanjing Runcanren silk CO. LTD is an enterprise that specialized in the field of hand-made silk quilt.

公司对各系列产品采用天然桑蚕丝制作,深受国内外广大客户的喜爱。All series of of products are adopted by natural silk and favored deeply by numerous clients at home and abroad.

由天然桑蚕丝制成的蚕丝被均匀柔和、舒适贴身、保暖透气,冬夏均适宜使用。Quilt made from natural silk is soft, comfortable and warm. It is suitable for use all the year, winter or summer.

香云纱属桑蚕丝类,避免油污,不能直接将洗涤液直接在表面涂搓。Silk is a silk type, to avoid the oil, not directly to the washing liquid directly on the surface coated with rub.

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桑蚕丝隔温性能好,导热系数小,所以冬夏穿着均宜。Mulberry silk at a good temperature performance, small thermal conductivity, winter and summer are advised to wear.

桑蚕丝具有较强的吸湿性、透气透湿性、以及极佳的防霉、防螨、抗菌特性。The mulberry silk has strong moisture absorbability, moisture penetrability as well as preventing from mildew, acarid and antibacterial.

本产品以天然桑蚕丝为原料,手工编织而成,以其图案精美,色泽亮丽而驰名中外。Our products are made from natural mulberry silk, weaving by hand, with its beautiful patterns, color and lustre is famous among the world.

真丝绸织造是以天然桑蚕丝作为经、纬线原料,按照一定的规格和工艺设计要求,将桑蚕丝制织成丝织物的过程。Pure silk weaving is the process of making silk fabric from silk filament according to a certain specification and technological design request.

桑蚕丝具有极佳抗菌特性,拥有防止螨虫和霉菌滋生的能力,对过敏体质极为有益。The mulberry silk has excellent antibacterial properties, have the ability to prevent the breeding of mites and molds for allergy extremely useful.

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结果表明,在桑蚕丝腺体和丝纤维中含有钠、镁、钾、钙、铜、锌、铁、锰八种金属元素,同时还可能含有微量的铷和锶。The results showed that Na, Mg, K, Ca, Cu, Zn , Fe and Mn were found in both silk gland and silk fiber, while Rb and Sr were also possibly contained.

通过理论模型计算出已知桑蚕丝织物的滑移阻力,再与实测结果比较,发现利用本模型计算出的结果较准确,认为可以利用此数学模型来表征织物的纰裂性。At last, we built up the mathematical models for calculating the slippage resistance of yarns of plain weave silk fabrics, twill silk fabrics and stain silk fabrics.

然后利用壳聚糖溶液,通过浸—轧—焙的流程整理工艺分别对普通桑蚕丝纤维、微溶丝纤维及盐缩丝纤维进行了改性处理。Secondly, the ordinary mulberry silk, slightly dissolved silk and calcium nitrate treated silk are modified by the chitosan solution and the treatment procedure of soaking-rolling-baking.

以碱金属离子诱导桑蚕丝素蛋白溶液发生构象转变,研究了蛋白质初始结构对其矿化作用的影响。In this study, we studied the effect of initial Bombyx mori silk fibroin structure on the protein biomineralization, where the structural transition was induced by the alkali metal ion treatment.

选用部分酸性媒染染料染深色绞装桑蚕丝,有效地解决了沾色病疵,使丝毯色泽层次分明。Colour stain can be eliminated effectively in skein mulberry silk yarn heavy-shade dyeing with some selected acid mordant dyes. Silk carpets made of such yarn will give clear-cut multilevel shades.

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笔者对蛹蛋白纤维、粘胶纤维、桑蚕丝的鉴别方法进行了试验、分析和比较,并提出了较为实用、简单易行的系统鉴别方法。The author not only introduced the experiment, analysis and comparison in identifying of the pupa protein fiber, viscose and silk, but also put forward a more practical easy and simple system method.