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白色延伸到肩胛或颈部。White extending on the shoulders or neck.

感受你的肩胛关节的活动。Feel your shoulders move in their sockets.

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叩击肩胛部和两侧上背部。Percuss shoulders and upper back on both sides.

这种组织主要见于肩胛带周围。This tissue is found mainly about the shoulder girdle.

翼状肩胛在临床上实不多见,且常常被忽略。Winging scapula is uncommon clinically and easily ignored.

肩胛或肘部向外翻属于缺陷。Out at the shoulders or out at the elbows should be penalized.

他们有一条直线轮廓,长长的脖子,和倾斜的肩胛。They had a straight profile, long neck, and sloping shoulders.

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白色延伸到肩胛或颈部属于失格。White extending on the shoulders or neck is a disqualification.

神经支配主要是肩胛背神经。Nevers of the muscles were dominated by the dorsal scapular nerve.

肩胛倾斜、整洁而肌肉发达,显示出速度感。The shoulders should be sloping, clean and muscular, denoting speed.

肩胛或肘部向外翻属于缺陷。Turning out, pigeon-toed, round or cat-footed or splayed are faults.

强壮而结实,从臀部到肩胛略微上升。Strong and solid with only a slight rise from croup to top of shoulders.

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杜波因扭伤了一个肩胛而痛苦不已。Sol- leks was limping, and Dub was suffering from a wrenched shoulder blade.

肩胛位置稳固,有足够的肌肉,但不过分发达。The shoulder is firmly set and has adequate muscle but is not overdeveloped.

抗肩膀或太直的肩胛都属于严重缺陷。Cowhocks, weak pasterns , straight stifles and splay feet are very bad faults.

可以用背皮刀胴体肩胛部分割刀或者橡胶刮刀慢慢撬一下,应该能奏效。It might take some prying with a butter knife or rubber spatula, but it works.

肩胛上神经损伤引起的疼痛,常常被误诊为其他肩部疼痛而被忽视。Suprascapular neuropathy has often been overlooked as a source of shoulder pain.

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陡峭的肩胛、错误的前端,肘部向外都属于严重缺陷。Steepness in shoulder, fiddle fronts, and elbows that are out, are serious faults.

因为经常坐在电脑前工作,我们肩胛附近的肌肉已经损伤。Due to heavy work load in front of the computer I've hurt a muscle near the scapula.

肩胛位置恰当,前肢骨骼略呈弓形,但肩胛稳固。Shoulder well placed. The bones of the forelegs slightly bowed but firm at shoulder.