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你最好有话直说。You'd better talk truly.

他有话直说,不装相。He spoke without pretension.

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你们就不能有话直说吗?。Would you guys spin the bin.

有话直说,不许你含糊其词。Talk straight, don't double-talk me.

她为什么不能直说自己想要什么?Why didn't she just say what she wanted?

如果你感到有些事情不对劲,那就跟他直说。If you feel weird about something tell him.

有话直说。我讨厌拐弯抹角。Talk truly. I hate to beat around the bush.

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我认为每个人都应该有话直说。I think everyone should call a spade a spade.

如果你不喜欢它,我希望你就直说好了。If you don’t like it , I wish you would say so.

你在这儿自己人中间,有话直说好啦。You're among friends here-you can speak freely.

我告诉他你我之间可以有话直说。I told Ike you and I could level with each other.

他是那种需要有话直说的人。He's the kind of person you have to speak plainly.

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他是个直爽的人,向来都是直话直说。He is a forthright person and always talks bluntly.

别兜圈子了,对我有话直说吧。Don't beat around bush. Just give it to me straight.

快乐的人尊重对他们那些有话直说诚实的人。Happy people respect people who give them an honest opinion.

我直说吧,你什么时候要那笔钱?I'll come straight to the point — when do you want the money?

或或如果你想要一条平均的合成器线,许多可能性有话直说。Either that or if you want an average synth line, many possibilities open up.

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本人在昆士兰州的一个村落小镇长年夜,那边的人们老是有话直说。I grew up in a Queensland country town where people spoke their minds bluntly.

咱们直说了吧,你们要抗议浪费性开支,然后你们买了一百万个茶包。Let me get this straight. To protest wasteful spending, you bought a million tea bags.

他是球场上最受尊敬的大师之一,而且总是直话直说。He is now one of the most respected pundits in the game and says exactly what he thinks.