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兵团职工是屯垦戍边的直接载体。The corps' workers are direct carrier of safeguarding the borders.

兵团职工是屯垦戍边的直接载体。The corps' workers are direct cartier of safeguarding the borders.

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为此,有关屯垦的研究历来较为活跃。For this reason, the researches on opening up wasteland were always hot.

第五部分,新疆兵团屯垦文化的特点和作用。Part five is the Xinjiang Corps settlement cultural characteristics and functions.

最后从牧厂屯垦来看清代治理蒙古的政策。Finally, it explores the Qing policy of governing Mongolia from the pasture and cultivation.

你只能在半兽人屯垦民进行攻击且未被阻挡时使用此异能,并且每回合只能使用一次。Use this ability only if Orcish Squatters is attacking and unblocked and only once each turn.

加快推进新型团场建设,把屯垦戍边事业发展到一个新的历史阶段。Threrefore, we should speed up the construction and make the mission into a new historical stage.

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巴里坤是清代新疆最早的屯垦地区之一,以陕甘移民为主。Balikun is one of the earliest settlers in Xinjiang of Qing Dynasty, mainly Shanxi and Gansu immigrants.

屯垦,自产生以来就是历代统治者普遍选择的一种边疆统治模式。Opening up wasteland was always adopted by the previous rulers to handle borderland since it came forth.

但是,阎锡山“绥西屯垦”在有关屯垦的研究中没有涉及,而且在有关阎锡山的研究中也没有受到重视。But the researches on opening up wasteland did not involve reclamation and cultivation in west of Suiyuan.

屯垦对于维护新疆稳定和边疆安全具有重要意义。Military reclamation carries significant meaning to maintain Xinjiang's stability and security of borders.

另一方面,阎锡山“绥西屯垦”是时代的产物,无疑受国际国内形势影响,有很大的局限性。On the other hand, because of the impact of international and domestic situations, this event had a lot of limitations.

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同时,欧巴马要求犹太屯垦区停止在巴勒斯坦土地上继续扩张,使得倾向以色列的鹰派人士阵脚大乱。Meanwhile, he has upset pro-Israeli hawks by demanding an end to the expansion of Jewish settlements on Palestinian land.

欧巴马希望9月26日前进行会谈,届时为以色列暂停为期10个月于约旦河西岸屯垦地的建设工程到期日。Obama wanted the talks under way before September 26, when Israel's 10-month moratorium on West Bank settlement construction is due to end.

纳坦雅胡公开抗拒欧巴玛和国务卿希拉蕊施压以色列就此永远停止任何在佔领区的屯垦区活动。Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to force Israel to stop any kind of settlement activity in occupied territories once and forever?

据史料记载,中国历朝历代都把屯垦戍边作为开发边疆、巩固边防的一项重要国策。China has a centuries-old tradition of developing and protecting its border areas by stationing troops to cultivate and guard the frontier areas.

屯垦不仅促进和巩固了祖国统一,而且在实边戍边上起着举足轻重的作用。Settlement is promoted not only and consolidated the motherland is united, and the effect that having to hold the balance on edge of solid edge defend.

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随着时代的变迁和“屯垦戍边”的逐步实施,内地人口渐次流入,促进了内地与塞外各民族文化的融合和交流。As time went by, people in the up-country gradually move to the borderland, which promote the unity and communication between Hans and minor nationalities.

在新疆两千多年的屯垦实践中,产生了与之相适应的屯垦文化。During the more than two thousand years history of stationing and reclaiming wasteland inXinjiang, the culture of stationing and reclamation comes into being.

这是关于“中国大陆河北省张家口市康保县屯垦镇三侉沟村”邮政编码的网页,以及详细地区信息和在线地图。This is a page about postal code of "Tun Ken Zhen San Kua Gou Cun , Kangbao County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China", with area information and online map.