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一株植物是一个有生命力的实体A plant is a living thing.

感受你生命力正在运转。Feel your life-force in motion!

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生命力永存于大自然中。A life force indwells in nature.

物质实体都不具有生命力No material object could be alive.

所以肉体不再具有生命力So the body is no longer animated.

爱情是一团富有生命力的火焰。Lve is a spirit all compact of fire.

人为的语言缺乏生命力。An artificial language has no vitality.

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生命显示出来了,因为有生命力。Life sticks out, because of life-force.

这就是不平衡的生命力所引发的恶果。This is the effect of unbalanced prana shakti.

生命力顽强的种子,从不对瘠土唱诅咒的歌。Hardy seed, and never curse for Jitu sing songs.

芭乐强劲的生命力,代表健康。Guavas With strong vitality, on behalf of health.

我们都是同一生命力的明证。We are all manifestations of the same life-force.

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网络热词的生命力往往不会持久。Hot words on the Internet don't stay hot for long.

它精神的力量能滋养我们的生命力。It is spiritual energy that nourishes our vitality.

可是这种指责只能证明其生命力。This accusation, though, only attests to its power.

生命力强是丝瓜的其中一个特点。Luffa strong vitality is one of the characteristics.

爱支配者拥有生命力,有丰富多彩的生活。Thelove-determined have life in them, abundant life.

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这是老子荣辱观具有特色、富有生命力之所在。This is where the vitality of Laotze's thought lies.

这就是漫画式美术具有的特别的生命力。This is the power or life unique to cartoon like art.

企业如何塑造有生命力的品牌?。How Does the Enterprise to Model the Vitalistic Brand?