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我爱财富与美名。I desire fortunes and fames.

以此带来美名,to bring in that prestige and

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美名胜于财富。A good name is better than riches.

它把你含苞欲放的美名污染!Doth spot the beauty of thy budding name!

可以说他赋予美德以美名。You might say he gave virtue a good name.

他亦因种种善行得到了“推土机”的美名。He won the nickname "Bulldozer" for good reason.

在辽阔的苏格兰大地上,家家户户都在使彭斯的美名大放异彩。Every home in broad Scotland keeps his fame bright.

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生命只一代,美名万古存。Life is for one generation, a good name is forever.

雾凇在民间还有一个“梦送”的美名。Fog also a folk song in "Dream as" a good reputation.

屉藏七载—教你美名羞愧。Kept seven years in a drawer---thy titles shame thee.

你知道它还有一个美名吗?And Cangzhou has another beautiful name , do you know it?

“我将努力让中集集团莱佛士延续美名。”麦说。"I will strive to repeat that at CIMC Raffles, " Mai says.

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斗门香蕉的美名正在传遍全国各地。The reputation of Doumen bananas is spreading all over the country.

不要再散播这些谎言了,也不要再玷污我们造物主的美名了。Stop spreading these lies and sullying the good name of our creator.

喜宴还因它的优质服务和漂亮花园享有美名。Xi Yan has a reputation for excellent service and a nice garden view.

如果赛义夫没有选择专制之路,或许历史会为他冠以英雄的美名。History might have cast Saif as a hero had he not chosen the tyrant's path.

如果赛义夫没有选择专制之路,或许历史会为他冠以英雄的美名。History might have cast Saif as a hero had he not chosen the tyrant’s path.

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岳飞虽然被秦桧害死了,但他的美名万古流芳!Although Yue Fei was put to death by Qin Hui, his good name will last forever!

渡过猛浪后,它们终于可以不负跳岩者美名。After surviving the surf, it's time for the rock-hoppers to live up to their name.

在这块市场上,苹果公司产品易于使用的美名使其获得了优势。In this area Apple's reputation for making things easy to use gives it an advantage.