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增强集体经济实力。We must enhance the economic strength of the collectives.

每个人都在这集体经济的“无故事”中被默默无名地埋葬掉。Everyone is buried in the anonymity of the collective economic "non-story."

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北京市郊区目前正在大力推进村级集体经济产权制度改革。The reform of collective economy property rights is pushing in Beijing's suburb.

联社是存在历史时间比较长的集体经济联合组织。Couplet company is the collective economy syndicate with existence history longer time.

作为农业大省的河南,农村集体经济在其发展过程中,无疑起着关键性的作用。Henan is a big agricultural province and rural collective economy plays a key role in its development.

继续推进集体企业改革,发展多种形式的集体经济。We will continue to reform collectively owned enterprises and develop diverse forms of the collective economy.

“城中村”集体经济产权制度改革是整个“城中村”转型发展的关键,既是重点又是难点。The key is the reform of the collective economy property right system which is both the focus and the difficulty.

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现在搞好军民关系,一个重要问题,就是要帮助集体经济的发展。One important way of improving the army's relations with the people is for the army to help develop the collective economy.

城中村集体经济组织的改革势在必行,而选择一种合适的改革模式是城中村集体经济组织解决经济社会问题的关键。Selecting a suitable model of the village in the urban's reform is the key to solve the rural's economic and social problems.

全镇12个村均建有两层以上的办公楼,村级集体经济实力不断壮大。The town has 12 villages are built over two floors of office buildings, village collective economic strength continue to grow.

农业集体经济组织所有的水塘、库中的水,属于集体所有。The waters of ponds and reservoirs belonging to agricultural collective economic organizations shall be owned by the collectives.

但目前村级集体经济存在着发展水平低、发展路子不广等问题。But now the village-level collective economy exist the problems of the low level of development and the non-wide development path.

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人民日报指出,华西村一直坚持“依靠集体经济,为共同富裕而奋斗”的道路。Huaxi Village has adhered to a path of 'relying on the collective economy and working for common prosperity', says People's Daily.

人民日报指出,华西村一直坚持“依靠集体经济,为共同富裕而奋斗”的道路。H uaxi Village has adhered to a path of 'relying on the collective economy and working for common prosperity', says People's Daily.

然而在中国,不动产的产权属于当地集体经济,但是谁是他的法人代表却没有清晰的界定。However, in China the freehold of the land remains vested in local collectives , without a clear indication of who represents them.

应该说农民可以不再担心村乡集体经济组织以各种理由收回他们的土地了。In this way, peasants don't worry about countryside collective economy organization taking back the land in various reasons any longer.

这三个特征从不同侧面说明了“城中村”集体经济的产权弊端。These three characters illustrate that the property right of the collective economy in "village in city" is not clear on various flanks.

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村庄最终将以新经济实体对集体经济的取代以及世居家园的重建而宣告终结。Village as the site for homes of generations will eventually reconstruct itself toward a new economic entity in place of collective economy.

集体经济是公有制经济的重要组成部分,对实现共同富裕具有重要作用。As an important component of the public sector, the collective sector of the economy plays a significant role in achieving common prosperity.

苏南乡镇企业是以集体经济为主体的所有制结构,而温州乡镇企业则是以私有经济占主要成份的所有制结构。The ownership structure of village enterprises is collective economy in the south of jiangsu in contrast to Wenzhou, which is private economy.