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我有些轻狂,有些与众不同。I'm a bit crazy, and a bit different.

再见。我的青春悲剧,你的年少轻狂。Bye. The tragedy of my youth, you are young.

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但我相信,我们既然年少了,就需要轻狂一番。But I believe that, since we are young, we need a.

不该虐待我,宝贝,因为我年轻狂野。Shouldn't mistreat me, baby, because I'm young and wild.

再见。我的青春悲剧,你的年少轻狂。Goodbye. The tragedy of my youth, you young and frivolous.

谁的年少太轻狂、敢把爱情比天长!Who dares to love too young and frivolous, than tianchang!

当你告别了年少轻狂的岁月,别让你的思想复杂化。So when you ride through the ruts, don't complicate your mind.

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双子是易变、轻狂、肤浅、无忧无虑、无常的。Gemini is fickle, flighty, superficial, lighthearted, changeable.

生命,一次又一次轻薄过,轻狂不知疲倦。Life, thin and light-off time and time again. Frivolous tireless.

我觉得她给人一种自以为是的轻狂,令人厌恶。It seems to me to show an abominable sort of conceited independence.

后来,才知道,自己想的只是太过于轻狂。Later, only know that they too would like to only extremely frivolous.

生活磨掉我们年少轻狂的棱角,时间督促我们成长。Life grind our young frivolous edges and corners, we grow. Time urged.

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令我沮丧的是,有很多次,我作为一个少年人的年少轻狂纷沓而出。To my dismay, there were times where my teenage hormones spoke differently.

葛福临现在感到很后悔,因为他年轻时,既轻狂又叛逆!Franklin Graham regrets it now, but in his youth he was wild and rebellious.

年少轻狂的时候觉得事在人为,努力就一定会有结果。When young and frivolous feel there is nothing, there will be efforts to results.

我对你说的那些梦想,还有那年少轻狂,都成了想像。I have those dreams you say, there is the young and frivolous, have become imagination.

得到机遇的眷顾是因为我积极主动,而且不让年少轻狂的梦想之火熄灭。Opportunity came my way because I was motivated and did not let a wild teenage dream die.

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这就是说,云南人当时犯有轻狂的毛病,这是一种道德缺陷。In another words, the Yunnan people were extremely frivolous at that time, as a result Mr.

人不轻狂亡少年,但是这个轻狂的代价也未免太大了吧?Person not frivolous perishing youth, but this frivolous price rather too has been also big?

这是可怜的少女受了薄幸的男子欺侮?还是不幸的青年受了轻狂的妇人的玩弄呢?Had a poor little girl been cheated by a fickle man, or a innocent young man been teased by a frivolous lady?