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汝若怕死,早下马受降!Ifyou fear death, dismount and surrender.

县大队决议承受日自己的受降,却发现被国名党抢先了一步。County brigade, own resolution inherit ShouJiang, but found by the KMT beat us to the draw.

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中亚地区盐尘暴的季节性和频率受降雨的影响很大。The precipitation influences significantly the seasonality and frequency of dust storms in Central Asia.

伊万·索斯洛帕罗夫将军和弗朗索瓦·塞书茨将军分别代表苏联和法国也在受降书上签了字。It was also signed by General Ivan Susloparov of the Soviet Union and by General Francois Sesez for France.

永清历史上曾发生韩信受降、杨业筑台、乾隆制诗等史实轶事。Yongqing Xin history occurred surrender, Yang industry to build units, Qianlong anecdotal history of the system, such as poetry.

另外标普还称,其馀四家拥有AAA评级的美国非金融企业不受降评威胁的影响.Separately, the agency said the four remaining U.S. nonfinancial companies with "AAA" ratings were not affected by the downgrade threat.

艾森豪威尔将军的参谋长沃尔特·贝德尔·史密斯中将代表盟军总部在受降书上签了字。The surrender was signed for the Supreme Allied Command by Lieutenant General Walter Bedell Smith, chief of staffs for General Eisenhower.

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1945年在密苏里号上接受日本正式投降时,他的船也在东京湾出席,信号兵斯瓦茨通过双筒望远镜看到了整个受降仪式。His ship was present in Tokyo Bay in 1945 for the formal surrender of Japan aboard the U.S.S. Missouri, which Signalman Schwartz watched through a pair of binoculars.

专家提醒,在目前居民消费受降薪和担心失业的冲击的情况下,国内需求如果不能提高,眼前的经济复苏会很快地流于失败。Experts warned, however, that the recovery could quickly fizzle out without improvements in demand at home, where falling wages and job fears have hit household spending.

此文化节是在第二次世界大战日本的受降点湖南省芷江小镇上举办的。The festival was held in Zhi Jiang township in Hunan, Province, the site of the Japanese Army's official Second World War surrender to Chinese and American forces in China.

下午,与会代表实地参观考察了芷江抗战受降旧址、飞虎队纪念馆、妈祖庙、风雨桥等。In the afternoon, the representatives visited the site where Japanese aggressors signed surrender agreement, the Flying Tiger Memorial Hall, Matsu Temple and Weathered Bridge.

1945年在密苏里号上接受日本正式投降时,他的船也在东京湾出席,信号兵斯瓦茨通过双筒望远镜看到了整个受降仪式。S. S. Proteus. His ship was present in Tokyo Bay in 1945 for the formal surrender of Japan aboard the U. S. S. Missouri, which Signalman Schwartz watched through a pair of binoculars.

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结果表明,PA降凝剂的结晶性能随烷基侧链碳数的增长显著提高,但不受降凝剂平均相对分子质量的影响。The results show that the crystallization ability of PA improved greatly by increasing the alkyl side chain length of PA but kept unchanged with the increase of average molecular weight of PA.