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我们有六只母犬与之配种。We have bred six bitches to him.

明天我们用他的公牛与我们的母牛配种。His bull will come to serve our cows tomorrow.

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因为这些猪两天就可以配种一次。Because of these pigs two days OK hybridization.

那男人呢,我们恰如其分地称之为「配种猪哥」。Well then, let us call man, appropriately, a he-man.

公野猪发情无季节性,可以常年配种。Wild boar estrus none seasonally and mate all the year.

人类根据自己的目的对狗进行配种或培育,比如灰狗被用来狩猎。Humans mated or bred dogs such as the greyhound for hunting.

骆驼配种采用人工授精。Artificial insemination was applied to the bactrian camel breeding.

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根据母犬行为,如垂尾、静立等待配种等,都是处在发情的标志行为。Behavior of the bitch, such as flagging the tail and standing to be mounted.

耐人寻味的是,我们本来应该想像到,将配种的次数铭记下来。And it is quite curious that one should have imagined inscribing number of times.

有一个橡胶大佬创建了一个配种场,关养了600个印第安妇女,他像牲口一样同她们交配。One baron created a stud farm, enslaving 600 Indian women whom he bred like cattle.

母猪在断奶后6-7天发情,立刻配种,12小时第二次配种。If sows are in estrus 6 -7 d PW, inseminate immediately, then inseminate 12 h later.

母猪在断奶后第5天发情,12小时后配种,12小时第二次配种。If sows are in estrus on d 5 PW, wait 12 h to inseminate, then inseminate 12 h later.

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这只小羊羔是奶羊和山羊配种的下一代,头上没有犄角。The lamb is a filial generation of a goat and a milch goat. There was no horn on the head.

接着,他选择了后代中“最佳”的一个,然后立刻配种出二十个新的变体。Then he selects the "best" offspring, which in turn immediately sires twenty new variations.

接着他选择了后代中“最佳”的一个,它接着立刻配种出二十个新的变体。Then he selects the "best" offspring , which in turn immediately sires twenty new variations.

奶牛的生殖器官对于配种枪的操作有最直接的影响。The reproductive organs of the dairy cow have the most direct impact on breeding pen performance.

此强迫配种方法在组织现代化同步生产上有实用价值。Forced copulation has practical value in organizing modernized mass production in rabbits-breeding.

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黄牛及其改良牛的配种受胎率是体现肉牛生产力的重要指标。Conception rate of yellow cattle and its crossbreds is the important indicator of meat productivity.

也必需在第一次配种前考虑所选用的后备母猪具备足够体脂和瘦肉储备。It is also necessary that they have adequate reserves of fat and lean in their body at first mating.

在配种记录本上记录母猪的标号和公猪的全部名字并标注日期。Record the sows' tag number and the sires ' complete name in the breeding record book for that date.