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她晾干翅膀扇动着双翅飞下去找他。She dried her wings and fluttered down to look for him.

每只鸟会以同样的频率扇动翅膀吗?Is every bird flapping its wings at the exact same frequency?

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瓢虫飞行时每秒钟扇动翅膀85次。A ladybug in flight beats its wings up to 85 times per second.

他以扇动胸鳍的方式来为受精卵供氧。He oxygenates the eggs by fanning them with his pectoral fins.

一只美丽的蝴蝶用它色彩斑斓的翅膀在蚂蚁头上扇动。shaded and fanned by the gorgeous wings of a beautiful Butterfly.

它扇动着大翅膀,发出吵闹声,奔到陆地上又冲进水里。It would rush over the land or water noisily flapping its great wings.

使用其眼睛凝视住敌人将其石化。在扇动翅膀时会产生强大的电流。Petrifies enemies with its stare. Uses thunder by flapping its wings. Uses.

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人们用影像慢放扇动翅膀的动作,它们的翼尖像这样运动。They slowed down their wings with moving pictures, Their wingtips are doing that.

燕尾蝶有巨大的翅膀,并且扇动的频率很慢,这意味着它们的飞行方式和其他蝴蝶是不同的。Swallowtails have large, slow-beating wings that means they fly unlike other butterflies.

它们只是扇动着翅膀,毫无目标地绕着大地低空盘旋着。They just flapped their wings and flew around the field in low circles, blindly and aimlessly.

在蒙大拿大学飞行实验室中,一只石鸡拼命扇动翅膀加速冲上斜坡。Furiously flapping, a chukar partridge speeds up a ramp at the University of Montana flight lab.

我听到空中有翅膀扇动的声音,像是巨大翅膀发出的声音。And I hear in the air something that is like the beating of wings like the beating of vast wings.

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在暗绿色的草地上,大鱼用力地翻动着闪闪发亮的身体,鱼鳃不停地上下扇动。In the dark green grass, fish forced to flip a shiny body, gills flapping up and down constantly.

它们靠背上每秒钟扇动达35次的小鳍来推动自己。They propel themselves by using a small fin on their back that flutters up to 35 times per second.

拼图中的小女孩眼睛开始眨了,桌子上的鸟也开始扇动翅膀了。The little girl's eyes blinked and the birds in the completed picture began to flutter their wings.

和以前一样,那些少数的火烈鸟再次扇动翅膀,有一小部分火烈鸟加入它们的行列。The same small group of birds once again takes wing and a tiny number more join in, just as before.

狐狸纵身跳起想要抓住雷鸟,但是太晚了,雷鸟急速的扇动翅膀飞向山底下的安全的树林了。With a lep fox gave chase, but a moment too late. Ptarmigan flapped furiously toward safe trees below.

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相反地,斑头雁却是依靠奋力扇动翅膀飞到如此高度的,虽然其姿态并不怎么优雅。By contrast, the bar-headed goose reaches such lofty heights by flapping vigorously, if not gracefully.

如果蝴蝶没有扇动翅膀,系统运行的轨迹可能会很大不同。Had the butterfly not flapped its wings, the trajectory of the system might have been vastly different.

黑夜悄悄离去,寂静的房间里,可以听到它扇动翅膀的声音,就像来自天使翅膀振动的飒飒的声音。The night goes great and mute. Now one hears its wings in every silent room murmuring as if from wings.