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她在打坏主意作弄我们。She is cogitating mischief against us.

你的哥哥经常作弄你吗?Is your big brother always picking on you?

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当你是一个成年人的时候,没有人会作弄你。When you’re an adult, no one can pick on you.

你耍过的最棒的作弄别人的诡计是什么?What is the best trick you ever played on someone?

那些孩子喜欢作弄他们的老师。The children loved playing tricks on their teacher.

当你是一个孩子的时候,年长的孩子有时候会作弄你。When you’re a kid,the older kids sometimes pick on you.

这位老板有一个作弄孤立无助的下级的恶习。The boss has a nasty habit of baiting defenceless subordinates.

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这个软件是作弄用你手机的朋友最好的软件。April Fools RAZZ is the best way to prank on your friends using your mobile.

琼花经受不住命运的作弄,选择一走了之。Flower fining jade does not endure the joke of the destiny, the option left.

今天一个庞克打扮,学生模样的小子作弄我那精神有障碍的儿子。Today, a punk-looking college kid was making fun of my mentally handicapped son.

如果邻居们不给他们糖果,孩子们就会作弄他们。If the neighbors do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them.

警察对一十分沮丧的男子劝说。“没有用的,一个人怎麽逃也逃不掉命运的作弄。”Otiose, a person how the joke that Mo escapes to also escape not to drop a destiny.

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她承认其他同龄女孩嫉妒她并在学校里作弄她。She admits other girls her age were jealous of her and would pick on her at school.

刚开始我还以为她在洗头或者有意作弄我“,杰玛告诉记者。”"At first I thought she was washing her hair or playing a trick, " Gemma told the paper.

我敢打赌那些有着“老土”名字的孩子都将因为不会受到大家休息时的作弄而感谢他们的父母。I bet those kids with “boring” names are thanking their parents for sparing them torment at recess.

这时候又过来一群调皮的小孩开始作弄这位禅者,但他依然保持沉默平静。Then there was a group of silly teenagers who started picking on him but he remained calm and speechless.

不对,我在作弄自己。假装自己心中充满雏菊和凤仙花。Not that, I'm making fun of myself. I'm pretending i'm a nice sensible charm of daisies and garden balsams.

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到了这时候,领班仿佛才明白过来,发觉自己怎样被作弄了。Then the ringmaster he see how he had been fooled, and he WAS the sickest ringmaster you ever see, I reckon.

像其他河童一样,山童喜欢用些小把戏来作弄人类,他们也很喜欢相扑。Like other varieties of Kappa, Yama-warau are fond of playing tricks on people, and they enjoy sumo wrestling.

“我就爱找比我弱的人的茬儿,作弄那些娘娘腔,”他说。"I liked to pick on people who were weaker than me, kids who obviously would grow up to be sissies, " he said.