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离树还过去点。Past the tree.

一个月过去了。A month passes.

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我爬了过去。I crawl closer.

我们开始走过去。We start walking.

他从我身边一闪溜了过去。He dodged past me.

就让它成为过去吧。Let it be bygones.

不打,但过去常打。No, but I used to.

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我过去是一个苦役犯。I am an ex-convict.

她从我身边挤了过去。She pushed past me.

她并没有被糊弄过去。She was not fooled.

不要试图闯过去。Don't try to run it.

我冲过去欢迎他。I rush to greet him.

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我到时会过去。I'll be right there.

一阵酷暑突然过去了。The hot spell broke.

让过去的事情过去吧。By gone sare bygones.

一转眼,50年过去了。Flash ahead 50 years.

我过去常打保龄球。I used to go bowling.

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让过去的东西过去吧!Let by gones by gone.

现在那个时代过去了。Now that era is gone.

痛苦过去是快乐。Pain past is pleaser.