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直落落的洒到我的心里。Direct sprinkling to in mine heart.

这条路从山上陡然直落山谷。The road drops from the mountains down the steep valley.

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当你的资产像去年那般直直落时,会很痛苦.When your assets go down like they did last year, it is very painful.

飞瀑如珠玑万斛直落九天,蔚为壮观。Fei Bao such as Abas million Hu Teluk nine days, become a spectacular.

欧洲主要股市指数在下午交易中直落。Key European stock market indexes were down sharply in afternoon trading.

该桥桥长300米,衔接着花柏山公园和直落布兰雅山公园。The 300-metre bridge links up the parks at Mount Faber and Telok Blangah Hill.

紧扣着一个女人的胴体,就像拥抱着喜悦,这种从天空直落大海的奇异的喜悦。To clasp a woman's body is also to hold in one's arms this strange joy that descends from sky to sea.

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连接了花柏山公园和直落布兰雅山公园,其海浪造型由七个波浪形弯曲的钢拱架组成。It connects Mount Faber Park and Telok Blangah Hill Park. It has a wave-form made up of seven undulating curved steel ribs.

更糟的是,即使一次与飞车的轻微碰撞,都可能让两辆车直落地面,而你只能惊恐地在车里大叫。Even worse, even a minor crash with another flying car could send both vehicles plummeting to the ground while you scream in terror.

然而主要的功劳要记在马尔蒂尼名下,队长在左路的拼抢中胜出后传出了一记漂亮的弧线球,直落前锋头顶。However, Maldini played a major part as the captain won the ball on the left before delivering a wonderful curling cross on to the striker's head.

但即使在报业业绩似乎直直落之际,报纸仍是最大奖的资产,对这些原来事业有成的执行长仍是极大的负担。But newspapers, perhaps the ultimate trophy asset even as the industry appears to be in a free fall, may be too much even for previously successful business executives.

瓦伦方面在第13分钟就取得领先,加比兰在边线突破后射出一脚低平球,皮球直落死角。虽然托尔多碰到了皮球却无法阻止其入网。The Spanish side opened the scoring on 13 minutes when Jaime Gavilan raced to the byline and drove a low shot into the far bottom corner despite Francesco Toldo getting a touch.

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来自捷克的排名第四的托马斯·伯蒂奇直落盘数击败了德国选手尼古拉斯·基弗。另外俄国选手尤兹尼和塞浦路斯选手巴格达蒂斯也分别以直落获胜。The fourth seat Thomas Berdych of the Czech Republic swarf Germany's Nicholas Kiefer in straight set, and there were also straight forward wins for Micheal Youzhny and Marcos Baghdatis.

“还没有手术,我觉得自己已经得了癌症似地,”她说,“医生即刻手术的建议让我的心犹如坐上云霄飞车直落谷底。”“I'd gotten to a point, just before the surgery, where I was sure I had cancer,” she told me. “The fact that my doctor recommended immediate surgery sent me off on this huge emotional ride.