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这是个见仁见智的问题。This is a matter of debate.

克鲁格曼是否相信政府应该消费或投资乃见仁见智之事。Whether Krugman believes that government should consume or invest is for anybody to guess.

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尽管对盖茨总体表现的评论见仁见智,但他始终显得十分自信。And while overall the appearance earned mixed reviews, Gates appeared confident throughout.

健美操能否成为著作权客体是个见仁见智的问题。Whether or not calisthenics should be the object of author′s rights is a controversial topic.

至于说,橡木的焦烤程度高好还是比较低好,这个见仁见智,没有准则。As for the oak, focal roast degree is high or low, the opinions differ from each other, no rules.

对于乾嘉史学形成原因的探讨,近代以来学者们多有论列,可谓见仁见智。For reasons explored a dry Ka history, many scholars in modern theory out, is a matter of opinion.

为其他教会宣传敬拜时间,是利是弊是见仁见智的事。Whether it is a good idea to advertise the worship times of other churches is a matter of opinion.

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汉语拟声词的词类归属及语法地位,至今还是一个见仁见智的大问题。Up to now, the parts of speech and grammatical function of Chinese onomatopoetic words remain controversial.

国家经济衰退可能严密地来说结束了,但经济状况还是见仁见智的。The national recession may be technically over, but the state of the economy remains in the eyes of the beholder.

这是见仁见智的问题,但是你的孩子应该知晓有这些选择,它们的利弊所在,以及如何具体实施。That’s a personal question, but your child should be aware of the options and the pros and cons of each, and how to do each.

但是你若觉得因此而拥有私人感情的图像更好的话,这个就要见仁见智了。In another hand, if you think it is better to have private feelings more than rich emotional, this will be a matter of opinion.

英国皇家铸币厂说,头像到底像不像本人,“见仁见智”,该厂不打算更改设计。The Royal Mint said the picture in the end a lot like me, "a matter of opinion", the plant does not intend to change the design.

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在刑事诉讼中是否应当赋予犯罪嫌疑人、被告人保持沉默的权利,在我国一直见仁见智。It is still a matter of dispute in China that whether the right to stand mute should be granted to the accused in criminal proceedings.

虽然「触感与质感」这仅仅是一种见仁见智的心理因素,但在美元素里,却是一项永不改变的定律。As "touch and texture" is nothing but a psychological factor of differentiated opinions, it is a permanent law in the Element of Beauty.

可见,虽然幸福是见仁见智的事,但为了不给生命留下遗憾,对幸福的追求却应贯穿我们的一生。Visible, although it's a matter of happiness, but not to give life to regret it, the pursuit of happiness, but through our life should be.

职业院校“双师型”教师的研究现在正处于见仁见智的阶段。The researches on "Dual functional" teachers of vocational schools is still at the stage when different researchers have different opinions.

对于改编这部皮特-摩根的获奖话剧,人们可能见仁见智,意见不一,但没有人怀疑其中的出色表演。Opinions may be divided on the point of adapting Peter Morgan's award-winning stage play, but no one could doubt the outstanding performances.

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对于乾嘉史学形成原因的探讨,近代以来学者们多有论列,可谓见仁见智。Has formed the reason since regarding the dry fine history the discussion, the modern times the scholars has discusses the row, it may be said.

人类裸体形象所具备的意义,历来是不可忽视的,对人体见仁见智的表达,在历史上早已汗牛充栋。The significance of human nudity could never be neglected, and there have been an enormous amount of various opinions about human body in history.

虽然刚刚过去的王室婚礼是不折不扣的全球吸睛点,让20亿观众粘在电视机前,但是各国反应还是见仁见智的。The world's reaction to the royal wedding is mixed. The event stole global spotlight with an estimated 2 billion television viewers around the world.