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尽管破晓前云层很低,天气转阴,伊藤上将还是在瞬息间发现了美军舰队。Through the breaks in the low overcast, Admiral Ito caught glimpses of the enemy.

瞬息间,一头牧羊狗抓住我这位警员朋友的腿,把他制服了。Seconds later, a German Shepherd seized my friend the policeman's leg and brought him down.

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使命已经达成,现场任务已经结束,瞬息间生与死的抉择已经作出。The mission was over, the field work ended, the split-second, life-and-death decisions made.

三只赫斯基狗包围了巴克,瞬息间便咬破了他的头和肩膀。Buck was beset by three huskies , and in a trice his head and shoulders were ripped and slashed.

瞬息间,他们更清楚看见耶稣医治瘫子时所彰显的神能。In just a few moments they would see the clear evidence of Jesus' divine power as he healed the paralyzed man.

象极度干渴的人需要泉水那样,一九七八年重印的一批名著,瞬息间就被读者抢光了。Like a thirsty people need water, 1978 reprint of a batch of classics, the twinkling of an eye is the reader robbed.

你曾否留意每一个瞬息间脑子里闪过多少念头。How many little things that cross your mind at any given minute, unconsciously bother you and exhaust your spiritual energy?

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股价是有可能在瞬息间大起大落的,经验不多的投资者若在高价时买入而没来得及卖出,就会被。Huge price fluctuations can occur very quickly leaving naive investors stranded, who hold on to stocks purchased at high prices.

在互联网上分享变的越来越简易,我们也就越来越多地看到人们是如何因为在网络世界的过度分享,在瞬息间改变了自己的命运。Given how easy it is to share on the Internet, it's inevitable that we'll see more and more instances of online over-sharing overturning lives.

此定型泡沫能让您在瞬息间便梳理出理想的造型,并保护秀发的自然柔顺。A superb mousse to allow you to style your hair as desired, for a natural look. It contains a conditioner which protects the hair, leaving it shiny and soft.

瞬息间,一轮红日喷薄欲出。眼前瑰丽的景象令我惊喜异常,欢呼雀跃。In the twinkling of an eye, a red sun emerged with all its shimmering rays, the magnificent sights before me had so baffled me that I shouted and jumped for joy.

我们不清楚他究竟放弃了甚么产业权或前途,但我们知道,瞬息间汤便喝完,而长子名分也跟着失去了。We're not sure what rights of inheritance or prospects of the future he was giving up, but we do know that in a moment the stew would be eaten and the birthright would be gone.