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首先,来做一次深呼吸。First, take a deep breath.

我做了第三次深呼吸。I took three deep breaths.

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如果不愿意,那就做一下深呼吸。If not, take a deep breath.

继续深呼吸。Continue with the deep breathing.

夸张地作了一个深呼吸。B exaggeratedly took a deep breath.

安静地深呼吸几次。Take a few deep breaths in silence.

做一个缓慢的,深呼吸。Take slow, deep, fulfilling breaths.

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做一次深呼吸,憋住气。Take a deep breath, hold your breath.

他边深呼吸边扩胸。He breathed deeply and expanded his chest.

做下深呼吸——那只不过是一个梦。Take a deep breath----it was only a dream.

开始之前进行几次深呼吸Take a few deep breathes before you begin.

你应该深呼吸,享受这一时刻。You should breathe. And enjoy the moment.

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这样深呼吸之后,和自己说话。After those deep breaths, talk to yourself.

尝试一些冥想或者深呼吸练习。Try meditating or deep-breathing exercises.

她在深呼吸画并且慢慢地呼气。She draws in a deep breath and exhales slowly.

于是,他深呼吸,然后轻轻地把撑杆放在脚边。So he did and gently laid his pole at his feet.

我深呼吸,沉湎于感情中。I filled my lungs, luxuriating in the sensation.

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换句话说,你无法进行畅快的深呼吸。In other words, youcan't get a good, deep breath.

她闭上眼睛,深呼吸一口气,然后一跃而下。She closed her eyes, took a big breath and jumped.

闭上你的眼睛,深呼吸,然后清空你的思绪。Shut your eyes, breathe deeply and empty your mind.