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但同时也使阿瑞对他另眼相看。But also to make Arui him a new light?

汤姆另眼相看他的上司。Tom is regarded with favour by his supervisor.

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如果你说得一口漂亮的英语,人们会对你另眼相看。Eg. people do look up to you if you speak good English.

佩特如今有钱又有地,所以他的弟弟也对他另眼相看。Pitt's money and acres had a great effect upon his brother.

乔津帆帮公司力挽狂澜,董事们对他另眼相看。QiaoJinFan help company tide, the directors look favourably upon him.

众人一看,根叔还真有点料,立刻对他另眼相看。Seeing this, people considered Uncle Gen as someone and looked at him with owe.

天俊,我会帮你,也一定会让那些如狼似虎的董事们对你另眼相看。Andrew, i will help you. I must let those cruel board members to view you in a new sight.

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高处不胜寒啊,所以如果你的老板将你看做是一个希望他们成功的人,你就会得到另眼相看。It's lonely at the top, so if your boss sees you as someone who wants them to succeed, you stand out.

对异性另眼相看只能导致不正确、不健康的关系和错误的结果。Viewing the opposite sex in any other light leads to unhealthy relationships and ultimately, disaster.

古芙呼吁人类「敞开心胸」,「勇于对我们另眼相看且向我们求援」。Kheops urges the human race "to open your heart" and to "dare to see us differently and ask us to help you.

现在由于我们两个都如此明显地向佩罗献殷勤,选民和媒体对他更是另眼相看。Now the voters and the press took him even more seriously because the two of us had courted him so visibly.

那些不直接和肥胖病人打交道的工作人员也倾向于对他们另眼相看。Workers who did not deal directly with obese patients were also inclined to see them in an unfavourable light.

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不过,对愿意学习的同学,他会另眼相看,常会邀请几个同学闲暇时去他简陋的宿舍聊天。However, students willing to study, he would favor, and often will invite some spare time to his classmates shabby dormitoryto chat.

其实想一想班上有那么多的孩子都在痒,都在忍受,我没有理由要痘痘对我另眼相看吧!In fact, think of a class there are so many children are in itch, in the stand, I have no reason for acne with special respect to me!

国人从此对日本另眼相看,日本刑法维新的成功为清朝改革树立了学习榜样。Compatriot treat to Japan with special respect from then on, Japanese criminal law success of reform establish learn model for Qing Dynasty.

虽然大多人普遍认为集装箱和大宗运输行业正经历周期性下滑,但分析师却对一些股票另眼相看,例如中集集团。Even amid widespread views of a cyclical downturn for the container- and bulk-shipping industries, analysts are finding stocks to watch, like CIMC.

身为一个回教徒,九一一事件后我一直留意非回教徒新加坡人会不会对我“另眼相看”。As a Muslim, post-911, I am constantly looking out for signs that my fellow non-Muslim Singaporeans are looking at me with a different set of "eyes".

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说实话,从第一次见面时起,我就一直对成民另眼相看并满怀期待,我发现这位初生不怕虎的牛犊和老子似乎有着不解之缘。Honestly, on the first meeting, I had full of expectation to Chengmin. I found him, as a brave young man, seems with predestine relation with Lao-tzu.

而且它可以帮助你另眼相看,因为你看,你是宇宙和宇宙思想,帮助你看不同的事情。And it helps you look differently because you are looking and you are thinking of the cosmos and universe and that helps you look at things differently.

这些独派生意人,与王仁炳卖情报,靠的岂不都是中共对他们的「绿色商标」另眼相看?How much difference is there between these pro-independence businessmen and Wang Jen-bing?Beijing sees "Green Agents" as a rare, hence valuable commodity.