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他思想闭塞僵化。He has a closed mind.

我们确实消息很闭塞。We have very little information indeed.

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不要忘记做环境闭塞。Nao esquecer de fazer o ambient occlusion.

我怎么能检测图像部分闭塞吗?。How can I detect if an image is partially occluded?

自动闭塞和落脚点钥匙材料估计。Automatic Block and Footing keys for material estimates.

横截于五趣,恶道自闭塞。Naturally the five evil paths are closed forever to him.

栓塞血管中由栓子形成的障碍或闭塞。Obstruction or occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus.

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治疗血栓闭塞性脉管炎取得良好效果。Treatment of thromboangiitis obliterans with good results.

德罗丽丝则认为当地一些居民思想闭塞。Delores's theory is that some local people have closed minds.

让嫉妒、闭塞和消极的人与你作伴。Surround yourself with jealous, blocked, negative companions.

涤纶片包裹动脉瘤腔全部闭塞。All the aneurysmal cavities were occluded after dacron wrapping.

一个少知和信息闭塞的政府是自由的基石。An ignorant and uninformed state is the corner stone of liberty.

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二是不送气双唇塞音的闭塞段时长最长。Second, the GAP of the unaspirated bilabial plosives is longest.

自动闭塞和机车信号的基础是轨道电路。The foundation of automatic block and cab signal is track circuit.

胆管癌以阻塞型和闭塞型狭窄多见。The obstruction type and occlusive stenosis type were more common.

颈内动脉闭塞5例,均为应用弹簧圈栓塞的病例。Of all, internal carotid arteries in 5 cases were occluded by coil.

但是许多其他国家的贸易和金融还相对闭塞。But many other countries are relatively closed to trade and finance.

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气动球阀的工作原理是靠旋转阀芯来使阀门畅通或闭塞。Pneumatic valve works by rotating the valve spool to flow or occlusion.

动物耳道有严重的水肿、增生和闭塞吗?Does the animal have severely swollen, proliferative, occluded ear canals?

使闭塞的脑血管再通是溶栓治疗的基础。The foundation of thrombolytic therapy is reperfusion of the occluded artery.