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开发你的潜能。Unlock your potential.

这就是你唯一的潜能。That is your only potential.

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法师知道他的潜能。The Magus knows of his potential.

基恩确实很有潜能达到一个新的高度。Keane has the potential to do that.

中国小城市家电市场潜能巨大。Big opportunities seen in small cities.

我们所需要做的就是发掘他们的潜能。All we have to do is tap that potential.

第三,特拉梅尔是一位可以激发刘翔潜能的对手。Thirdly, Trammell was really a good rival.

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我们知道它还没有发挥出全部潜能。We know it has not met its full potential.

因为我们的潜能是天生的。Because our potential is in there in nature.

或者,如果我们看不到这潜能,它就会像刚萌芽的幼苗一样被扼杀,it,will,depreciate—Or if we don't appreciate it, wither and die.

完全忽略了学生的潜能。They completely missed the seed of greatness.

和平与人类潜能的实践。Peace and fulfillment of humankinds' potential.

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人类和个人的潜能已经消失。Human and personal possibilities have been lost.

我现在在做的就是促进自我潜能。Instigating self-actualization is what I do now.

因此,在分化中祖细胞损失了些潜能So there's a loss of potential in this division.

上帝将潜能之大便转为实存的大便。Averroes God turns potential shit into actual shit.

透过皮纹检测让您揭开大脑潜能。Dermatoglyphics opened through your brain potential.

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我相信他有可以成为一个舞蹈家的潜能。I believe he has the potential to make a good dancer.

所有的受访者可以得到一个全球升温潜能的研究后。All the respondent could get a GWP after the research.

事实就是云云,人类的潜能是无限的。It's true. The thing is, human potential is unlimited.