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是地址。The addresses.

她的地址是什么?What’s her address?

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您要到的具体地址是什么?What is your address?

你的联系地址。Your contact address.

您要到的具体地址是什么?What tis your address?

把他的地址记下来。Take his address down.

敬辞您的地址?。Bnd your address, please?

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我把我的地址给了他。I gave my address to him.

获得地址,定位到那个地方。Get the address, go there.

地址池为空。The address pool is empty.

你需要拥有你的链接地址。You need to own your URLs.

你能留下你的地址吗?Can you leave your address?

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有的连回信地址都投有。Some had no return address.

单播链路本地地址。Unicast link-local address.

单播站点本地地址。Unicast site-local address.

你学校的地址是什么?What's your school address?

我不能告诉你我的地址。I can’t tell you my address.

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我把这儿的地址给过别人。I gave someone this address.

填写你的通信处地址。Please fill in your address.

请说出你的姓名和地址。State your name and address.