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认识有限小数和无限小数。Recognizee finite decimals and infinite decimals.

它是同时由无限大和无限小所构成的。It is composed both of the infinitely great and the infinitely little.

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可分析的薄层厚度可以无限小,直至消失。Bed thickness is analyzable until the bed thickness is vanishingly small.

小数部分是无限的小数叫做无限小数。If the decimal place is infinite, the decimal is called an infinite decimal.

密度无限小,气体分子之间的相互作用。You make the volume infinitely large, the density of the gas infinitely small.

这是对于有限的变化而言的,如果是一个无限小的变化。If you want to have an infinitestimally small change, you end up writing dh is dq sub p.

所有的它的物质和能量都被压缩在一个无限小的点,一个奇点。All of its matter and energy were squished into an infinitely small point, a singularity.

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无限红移只是无限小的原子这个非物理假设的化身。The infinite redshift is an avatar of the unphysical assumption of infinitely small atoms.

如果你想象这是无限小的话,那长度也变成一样了。If you imagine that this guy is infinitely small then, really, the lengths become the same.

无限大!你能想象的最大,无限大都比你大,无限小,你能想象的最小,无限小都比你小。Infinitely large, is larger than you, while infinitely small is smaller than you can imagine.

它预测恒星会塌缩至无限小的点,但无法解释之后会发生什麽事。It predictsthatstars can collapse to infinitesimal points but fails to explain what happens then.

物理学将粒子视为无限小的这个“标准模式”观点,有些是带有基本力量的。The "standard model" of physics views particles as infinitesimal points, some of which carry basic forces.

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一个无限小的量,看看能得到什么,一旦我这样做,现在有多少分子能到达这个较高的能级?An infinitesimal amount, to look at the derivative. Once I do this, how many molecules are in this higher level now?

每个人都是由一系列戏剧般的形象组成,这些形象层层叠加,直至无穷,最终包裹在无限小的薄膜当中。Each human being is composed of a series of images folded into infinite layers and contained within a thin membrane.

随着每一个无限小的时间间隔另一个微层被添加到一个区域内,磁场就存在于这个区域内。With each passing infinitesimal time interval another infinitesimal layer is added to the region within which the magnetic field exists.

宇宙是怎样在最初的一万亿分之一秒内从一个无限小的点膨胀成天文学尺度的呢?How did the universe blossom from an infinitesimally small speck to astronomical proportions in its first trillionth second of existence?

譬如,在几何学里我们必须假定,一个圆周的圈线是由无限多喝无限小的直线形成的。Thus in geometry you are told to conceive the circumference of a circle as formed of an infinite number of infinitely small straight lines.

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譬如,在几何学里,我们必须假定一个圆周的圈线,是由无限多和无限小的直线形成的。Thus in geometry you are told to conceive the circumference of a circle as formed of an infinite number of infinitely small straight lines.

从无限大到无限小,从银河星团到原子,这个宇宙经由超然的组织安排展示出来。From the infinitely large to the infinitesimally small, from galactic clusters to atoms, the universe is characterized by superb organization.

采用无限小应变度量将不能消除刚体位移的影响,必须采用大变形理论。Since the mechanical derivation of infinitesimal strain can't eliminate effect of rigid displacement, large deformation theory must be used in it.