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我有了外遇,我说了谎。I had affairs, I cheated.

嫉妒是外遇的解药?Is jealousy the antidote to cheating?

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谁更有可能外遇,男人还是女人?Who are more adulterous, men or women?

他们不断地争吵,他有了外遇。They quarrel constantly, he has an affair.

她把他的东西都翻了一遍,想要找他外遇的证据。She snooped through his things for his affairs.

两地分居最大的问题是外遇。The biggest problem is the separation of adultery.

孙尧在北京一家宾馆外遇到了一位旅游者。Sun Yao meets a tourist outside a hotel in Beijing.

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“人生短暂,有次外遇吧”标语口号是这么说。"Life is short. Have an affair," reads the tag-line.

传闻格雷戈尔对她不满,有了外遇。Gregor was rumored to be discontented and having affairs.

不过有趣的是,现在外遇的数量似乎在减少。What is interesting is that adultery seems to be decreasing.

“然后同样这次外遇必须保密,”库马思继续。"And also this affair must be discreet, " Kugelmass continued.

她觉得自己掉价了,因为她知道丈夫有了外遇。She feels devalued because she knows her husband has had affairs.

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每一场外遇都是不同的,女人们的理由也各不相同。Every affair is different, and so are every woman's reasons for her involvement.

就在琳达打电话的时候,戴维在火车站外遇见了另一条狗。While she was talking on the telephone, Davy met another dog outside the station.

让我一起分享从事非学校型态教育的喜悦和挑战。外遇。Letnos share perhaps the joys a freed cheverythingenges of non-schooling in Taiwa free.

这是他妻子的一个同事,他们已经开始了外遇,也正是因为这个人,她后来离开了他。It was a colleague his wife had started an affair with and for whom she eventually left him.

他要求黛比重新接受他,并认为他和安妮克的外遇关系只是无关的小事。He begs Debbie to take him back and argues that his affair with Annik is an unrelated matter.

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格林说,他对他前妻跟同事之间的短信关系如此迅速的变成外遇感到目瞪口呆。Green says he was stunned at how quickly his wife's texting relationship turned into an affair.

艾莉又打电话给洪父,通知他世贤在外面有了外遇,洪父回家后生气的骂了世贤。Ali and phoned HongFu and inform him the Yin outside had affairs, HongFu home angry scold the Yin.

第三,他和另一个中国女人搞外遇——先生,你就这么喜欢黄种人?third, to cheat on his wife with another Chinese woman, his Chinese secretary — yellow fever, mister?