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我们家确确实实是名门贵族。We were really society nobility.

环境的改变确确实实的影响到动物。Enviormental changes really matters to animals.

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这一切发生得这么快,几乎难以相信,但确确实实发生了。It happened so fast. It’s hard to believe it, but it is.

这对我而言的死亡也确确实实就要到来了,只是一切都来得太快了。This to me meant death was sure to come and all too quickly.

确确实实,我们已经用这一切悲苦彼此赎救了!Surely, surely, we have ransomed one another, with all this woe!

而睡觉是消磨时间的最佳方法——它确确实实花去的时间。Sleep was the greatest pastime of all—it literally passed the time.

并且我们希望这不只是空谈,而是确确实实的看得见摸得着。And we don't just want to talk about it, but make sure it is tangible.

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但是,当我们的作品确确实实很受欢迎的时候,我们觉得这一切都值了。But when our doodles are really well received, it makes it all worth it.

荷兰周遭的事物都是那么的时尚,艺术确确实实生活在这。Everything around here is quite fashionable and art really 'lives' here.

如此一来,世界宣明会的工作人员的付出,确确实实是难以想象的。The amount of effort that World Vision staff spent in the ADP is unimaginable.

在现实中充分发挥潜力,实现目标确确实实很困难。It’s really, really difficult to achieve that full potential in the real world.

这证明了约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯确确实实不懂得自己在说什么。It goes to show that John Maynard Keynes really had no idea what he was reading.

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黛比为他带来了两个孩子,但他的婚姻确确实实破裂了。Debbie went on to bear him two children, but his marriage was well and truly over.

义眼并不能提高巴克的视力,但确确实实提高了他成为参展马的几率。The eye does not help KBuck's vision, but it does help his chances as a show horse.

当得了绝症的诊断作出后,感到沮丧确确实实是人情之常。It is understandable to be depressed when the diagnosis of a terminal illness is made.

它确确实实是提醒了我们殖民时代的存在,然而它也提醒了这是一个我们拥有共同遗产的世界。It reminds us of ages of colonialism, yes, but it also reminds the world of our common heritage.

马大哈的故事确确实实发生了,在今后的日子里不可避免的也一定还会发生。Scatterbrain's story indeed taken place, in the coming days will certainly inevitable will happen.

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比起恐惧没有确确实实完完整整的活甚至恐惧死亡也没什麽。Even the fear of death is nothing compared to the fear of not having lived authentically and fully.

利好的一面是,不同于术萨,在对术德时德是确确实实可以被抽干的。The one positive we have in this combo over warlock shaman is that the druid can actually be drained.

而且,你会发现自己会像一只周末早起的鸟儿,确确实实的喜欢它。What's more, you might just find yourself being an early-bird on the weekends and actually liking it!