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一种流行病突然开始流行。An epidemic broke out.

霍乱是加尔各答的流行病。Cholera is endemic in Kolkota.

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不安全水将导致流行病。Unsafe water will lead to epidemics.

这种流行病传播范围之广令人惊惶不安。The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.

这种流行病最终导致了数以千计人的死亡。The epidemic eventuated in the deaths of thousands.

有全球范围内的流行病,有气候变化问题。There are global epidemics.There is climate change.

那些流行病预警是杞人忧天吓唬人的吗?Were all those pandemic warnings just scare-mongering?

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这个世界范围的家畜流行病不会很快减少。B. The worldwide epizootic will not decrease immediately.

这种动物流行病在人群中引起极大的恐慌。D. The epizootic has caused tremendous fear among people.

这便是这类流行病可迅猛蔓延的本质原因。That is the essence of the dynamics of this kind of epidemic.

但是,如果流行病真的发生了,这将只是隔靴搔痒。But if a pandemic does occur, this would be small comfort indeed.

这种担忧就像流行病一样会传播,并通过思想、言谈传播着。That fear can be spread, like an epidemic, by mass thought and talk.

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Northrup说我们有这个缺乏维生素D的全球性流行病。We have a worldwide epidemic of vitamin D deficiency, says Northrup.

在1664-1665年冬天,伦敦有一种流行病造成70000人死亡。An epidemic in London in the winter of 1664-1665 caused 70000 deaths.

建立和研究了具有接种疫苗年龄结构的SIRS流行病模型。An SIRS epidemic model with an age-dependent vaccination is considered.

换句话说,讲“一种普遍流行的流行病“并不精确。In other words, it would be inaccurate to speak of an epidemic of popularity.

按我们的模型,随着流行病规模的扩大,经济成本也随之加大。In our model, as the scale of the pandemic increases, so do the economic costs.

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尽管全球性流行病的威胁是真实存在的,但它时常被渲染得言过其词,过于夸张了。Although the threat of global pandemics is real, it's all too often exaggerated.

这些学者补充,这些健康问题形成了“共疫”,或者称为共享的流行病。They added that those health issues have led to a "syndemic, " or shared epidemic.

自从执拗的开始运作后,然而,目前世界卫生组织的流行病反应系统运行良好。After the balky start, however, the WHO's pandemic response system is running well.