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我知道你们将认真加以审议。I know you will consider it carefully.

然后,他进行不公开的审议。Then he made his deliberations covert.

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委员会审议了这个问题。The committee has considered this matter.

法庭决定重新审议这项裁决。The court decided to reconsider the verdict.

他们开始对这项议案进行长时间的审议。They fell into a long discussion on the bill.

这个计画已通过大会的审议。This plan cleared through the general meeting.

审议需要大约一天的时间,”彼特森说。And it will take about a day, " Peterson said."

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想了解更多关于陪审团审议?Want to learn more about how the jury deliberates?

召集陪审团重新审议其裁定。The jury was called upon to reconsider its verdict.

这样的审议,并无实质意义。Any such deliberation would have no real significance.

还将审议农业水资源使用状况的预测。Projections for water use in agriculture will be reviewed.

在审议期间,我们将制作合同文本。Pending their approval we will work to create the contract.

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因此,本分项目将在以后的一次会议上继续审议。Therefore this sub-item would be taken up at a later meeting.

许多活动纳入到了我们的两年财政规划中,在未来几个月中我们的管理机构将审议这些规划。A lot of the activities are included in our biennial financial

联大将在5年内审议人权理事会的工作情况。The assembly will review the council’s status within five years.

条例草案,请予审议,并仔细查看是否有任何错误。Please examine the bill carefully and see if there's any mistake.

一个特别委员会审议该组织的活动。A special committee scrutinised the activities of the organisation.

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你们此次将审议的一个项目涉及世卫组织的筹资前景。You will be considering an item on the Future of financing for WHO.

陪审员审议了大约两个小时,然后休庭一天。Jurors deliberated for about two hours before recessing for the day.

拟设中的常设国际刑事法院的审议情况。The proposed standing international criminal court under discussion.