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这就是所谓的刀耕火种。This is known as slash and burn.

很多人认为玛雅人采取的是刀耕火种的农业种植方式。The Maya are thought by many to have used slash-and-burn agriculture.

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结果表明,萌生是刀耕火种后植被恢复的一种重要方式。The result showed that sprouting is an important form for vegetation recovery.

在这里,从刀耕火种到高科技农业,都得到展示。In here, from the slash-and-burn cultivation to the high tech agriculture, obtains the demonstration.

他们渔猎和刀耕火种的习性通常会破坏他们的生存环境。Their habits of hunting, fishing, and slash-and-burn cultivation often have been harmful to the habitat.

该地大部分区域还住着山地少数民族,他们依然住在茅草屋并处于刀耕火种的农业水平。Much of the area is home to ethnic minority hill tribes, living in thatched huts and practicing slash-and-burn agriculture.

这个乡村里,人们可以看到的任何比刀耕火种更为普遍的事情,在某些家庭里却是不可容忍的。This village, people can see any more than slash-and-burn cultivation is more common things, in some families it is intolerable.

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过去他们大都以刀耕火种方式为生,现在由于生活环境的改变,其生活方式也发生了变化。They used to live a traditional agricultural life, but their life style has greatly changed due to the changes in their living environment.

因为刀耕火种和伐木作业,低地雨林栖息地的丧失和退化威胁着这种蜥蜴的生存。The loss and degradation of lowland forest habitat through conversion of land for agricultural use and logging operations is a threat to this lizard.

亚马逊地区的农民普遍采用“刀耕火种”的办法清除再生林,耕种粮食和经济作物。The practice of "slash and burn" is widely used by farmers in the Amazon region to clear secondary forests and allow food and cash crops to be cultivated.

Sever的数据显示,抽干低洼地带的行为和刀耕火种的农业种植方式减少了该地区的降雨量,同时温度又不断升高。Sever’s data suggested that the combination of draining the bajos and slash-and-burn agriculture helped decrease rainfall and increase temperatures in the area.

舞草为云南热带、亚热带山区刀耕火种轮歇地的一种常见多年生先锋植物。Codariocalyx motorius growed as a common perennial pioneer plant in slash and burn shifting field in tropical and subtropical mountains of Yunnan Province, China.

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与大多数非洲中部国家一样,刚果目前的森林砍伐还不算严重,当地人们砍伐树木主要是为了小规模的刀耕火种以及获取燃料。As in most central African countries, Congo’s deforestation is currently minor, caused largely by small-scale shifting cultivation and over-harvesting of wood for fuel.

为了的研究中原农具造型的演变文化,从原始人的“刀耕火种”,探索至现代的“精耕细做”。In order to better study the culture of the Central Plains' modeling tools, the author set out from the primitive "slash and burn" to explore the modern "intensive cultivation".

但是,长期的刀耕火种和烧山行猎等,使森林资源受到了极为严重的破坏,给野生动物带来严重威胁。It provides superior living and breeding basis for the animals. But the forests and the plant resources were destroyed heavily by the long term slash—and—burn cultivation system.

现代农业早已告别了刀耕火种,自给自足的年代,时代强有力的脉搏呼唤着信息化打造的农业。The modern agriculture already said goodbye to the slash-and-burn cultivation, the self-sufficient age, the time powerful pulse is summoning the informationization making agriculture.

在印尼,因为非法砍伐、采矿,以及刀耕火种式开荒为高利润的棕榈油种植园让出空间,每小时都有占地相当于300个足球场的树木遭到破坏。The equivalent of 300 football pitches of trees in Indonesia are destroyed every hour due to illegal logging, mining and slash-and-burn land clearing for highly profitable palm oil plantations