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票友之家,但残破的家园。Fancier houses, but broken homes.

你残破的躯体属于哈卡。Your broken body belongs to Hakkar.

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残破地躺在洁白无瑕的白雪上。Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow.

陈旧古老的寺庙,斑驳残破的神像。Archaic temples, mottled wreck of the gods.

残破的美丽哈龙裤子破花?Broken beautiful haroun pants Broken flower?

我之后又重建了残破的宫殿。I soon rebuilt the palace that had been partly broken.

使他的子孙流离失所,沿门乞食,使他由残破的家室里,被人逐离。May his children go begging, driven out of their ruined homes.

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至少新文人画不外是残破的文人画罢了。New paintings up to the literati painting but just incomplete.

有些器皿在出土时已经残破。Some utensils were in a state of decay when they were unearthed.

你懂吗?别在伤我这颗残破不堪的心了,好吗?Do you understand? Do not break my heart Fengyun dilapidated, ok?

残破的运盐用木质敞车群亦在保存之列。Kaput wooden salt carriers have also been preserved in the depot.

庚子之乱后,黑龙江地区更加残破不堪。After Boxer Russian chaos, Heilongjiang area was more Dilapidated.

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左先生到达一段残破的野长城上时,已经辨不清方向。At left, a Broken wild on the Great Wall, already switch direction.

知识的小溪流沿着幽深而残破的山谷缓缓地流着。A little stream of knowledge tricked slowly through a deep worn gully.

孩子们在废墟中找寻上学的书包和残破的书本。Children picked through the debris to uncover school bags and torn books.

奥林匹克竞赛已经到来,但周边的残破老旧也依旧在。But the games are here and some of the older, shabby neighborhoods remain.

在印尼,慈济志工帮助一位生活困顿的老妇人、维修残破的房子。In Indonesia, volunteers helped an old woman renovate her tumbledown home.

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但是什么将要做的人们关于残破的婚姻,败坏人心?But What shall people to do about the broken marriage, the demoralization ?

他大多数时间躲在残破的办公室里躲避暗杀。He spends most of his time in a rudimentary office trying to avoid assassination.

他和T-1000悄悄的躲开他们,然后走出一个残破的走廊。He and the T-1000 snuck past them and made their way down the dilapidated hallway.