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不要用油脂涂抹患处。Don't grease the affected part.

把这膏药每日一次fu贴患处。Put a plaster on the sore once a day.

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每天早晨和夜晚涂沫于腿部患处。Smooth on clean legs morning and night.

如果不幸得了这种疱疹,那你应该使患处保持干净和干燥。One should keep the affected area clean and dry.

茄子根煎水,趁热熏洗患处,可治冻疮。Hot water, fry eggplants root nozzle, fumigation chilblain.

不要将黄油或其他含脂肪和油脂的东西涂于患处。Never use butter or other fatty or oily substance on a burn.

它的作用相当于止痛药,只要局部地涂于患处即可。It act as pain relievers , by being put on topically to the area.

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如果狗狗冻伤了,要立即把狗狗带到室内取暖,不能太热,用沙布敷于患处。Bring the dog immediately indoors and apply warm, not hot, compresses to the area.

执行波兰患处,甚至使用轻至中等压力,直到近干。Apply polish to affected area using light to medium even pressure until nearly dry.

再次敷上冰块前,患处应完全恢复到温暖的状态,避免发生冻伤。Let the area warm completely before applying ice again, in order to prevent frostbite.

有人说牙膏不应该涂在烧烫患处,而其他人却极力推荐这种做法。Some say that toothpaste should never be placed on burns while others highly recommend it.

研为细末,参与甘油调匀,涂抹患处,每日3次。Research to fine, in glycerol and mix thoroughly, smearing the affected area 3 times a day.

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高抬腿,使小腿患处高于您的心脏位置,特别是在晚上。Reduce swelling. Elevate the affected shin above the level of your heart, especially at night.

最后以轻叩打手法施于患处而结束治疗。Finally in order to tap playing technique applied to affected part and the end of the treatment.

睡前用干净、无菌的棉拭子沾上柠檬汁,涂抹在患处。Using a clean, sterile cotton swab, apply the lemon juice to the affected areas prior to bedtime.

热垫患处可缓解坐骨神经痛、关节炎和肌肉疲劳酸痛。Fomenting the afflicted part can relieve the sciatica, arthritis and fatigue and aches of muscles.

不可内服,如患处有伤口,必须将伤口清理妥当,方可使用本药。Not to be taken internally, if painful area had wounded it must be cleaned before use this product.

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女性尖锐湿疣患者感到的症状就是患处非常的痒,有灼痛感或者是压迫感。Feel the female patients with condyloma acuminatum lesion symptom is very itchy, pain or oppression.

用少量黄连粉配凉绿茶,敷在患处,可祛除恼人痘痘。With a few coptis with cool green tea powder, apply on affected area, may dispel the annoying blain.

涂在患处,一天可以涂数次,从而帮助舒缓瘙痒,湿疹,皴裂,和肌肤刺激。Apply to affected area several times daily to help relieve itch, rash, or chapped and irritated skin.