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三表可以申请助学贷款么?Can three forms apply to aid to learn loan?

办理助学贷款是需要担保人的。A bondsman is needed in executing a student loan.

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我认为我们需要启动助学贷款项目。I think we need to take on the student loan project.

美国和日本的教育助学制度以“教育成本分担”和“教育机会均等”为基本理念。The basic ideas of the grant-aided educational system in U. S. A.

国家助学贷款自实行以来,取得了很好的效果。The practice state-loan grant-in-aid has achieved some desirable effects.

但是,就目前来看,面向自考生的网络助学系统研究较少。But, for now, since the candidate's network of student-oriented system for less.

本期轻喜剧,阿娇要趁暑假当家教赚钱还助学贷款。In this volume, Ajiao looks for a job over the summer to pay for her student loans.

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诚信教育和诚信素质是助学贷款顺利实施的必要条件。The prerequisite of carrying out the grant is honesty education and honesty quality.

即资本家出点钱,受助学生出几封报告信。That is the money capitalists, a couple of students recipients closure report letter.

收益—成本分析也表明助学贷款这样的公共项目经常是一种有效的投资。Also, cost-benefit analysis indicates that such public projects as NSLS are always paying.

为复杂可编程逻辑器件CPLD在实验教学中的应用起到助学和示范的作用。The application of CPLD gives helpful and demonstrational action in the experiment teaching.

银行以此为由不愿放款给在校大学生,因此,国家助学贷款发展一直不顺畅。So banks do not want to lend money to college students. The student loan does not develop well.

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民族院校的学生大部分来自边远少数民族地区,贫困程度深,贫困面大,所需助学贷款多。Most of the students of colleges and universities for nationalities are from remote ethnic areas.

但是由于国家助学贷款属于无担保的信用贷款,贷款大学生毕业后不按约偿还问题突出。However, student loan in real life, belonged to credit loan, has a serious problem of high breach.

涉毒违法的法律惩处很严,比如会连带失去助学贷款等,得不偿失。Penalties for drug-related offenses are harsh and can include loss of benefits like student loans.

信用保险业务的开发则是解决助学贷款的有效手段。The development of the credit security business is an effective means to work out the grant-aid issue.

高校并轨后,随着高等教育改革的不断深化,高校助学体系不断完善。With the developing and reforming of higher learning, financial aid of higher learning needs to complete.

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贫困大学生的身份识别是国家助学贷款制度中最为基础的一个环节。It is a fundamental factor to identify the eligible poor students in the State-granted Loan in Aid system.

而内蒙古地区高校助学贷款起步晚、成效迟、覆盖面小。The college student loan system is quite new in the Inner Mongolia with low efficiency and narrow coverage.

拍卖所得将全部用于龙树画苑的教学设施建设和贫困学生的助学。Proceeds from the sale will be used to build new facilities and support poor students through their studies.