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塑料地毯遮住了坑坑洼洼的车道。The plastic rug hides a bumpy driveway.

道路坎坷不平,到处是坑坑洼洼的雨水。The road was deeply rutted and pooled with rain.

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月球表面因有环形山而变得坑坑洼洼。The surface of the moon is pitted with craters.

那地区平坦的地面上坑坑洼洼地布满了小水潭。Small bodies of water pockmark the flat face of the area.

在州会卡拉巴,街道没有坑坑洼洼的小洞。In the state capital, Calabar , the streets have no pot-holes.

蒂姆伯顿电影里,艾里克鲍德温坑坑洼洼的脸上就是鼻子灰常突出。Alec Baldwin's snout-stretched scare face from the Tim Burton haunter.

这片荒地覆盖着石块,杂草丛生,到处坑坑洼洼。This moorland is covering block, fireweed is fascicular, everywhere bumpy.

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赞比亚有12500英里沥青公路,但却坑坑洼洼,洞孔遍布。Zambia has 12, 500 miles of paved roads but they are riddled with potholes.

魏氏鼠耳蝠的翅膀是鲜明的红色,有一些黑色斑点和坑坑洼洼。The coloring on the wings is a stark red, pockmarked with black spots and blotches.

草地上坑坑洼洼,沼泽连片,没有道路,没有人烟,一不小心,就有可能葬身泥潭。The potholes on the grass, bog shall, no roads, no one lives, accidentally, you may die.

条条马路被装有原材料的大卡车碾得坑坑洼洼面目全非。Roads are pocked with potholes left by the steady crush of trucks carrying raw materials.

小山、矮曲林、坑坑洼洼的山谷像月球的表面。Beautiful scenery – knolls, elfin wood, pitted valleys resembling the surface of the Moon.

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这家银行的内部看起来就像是个发霉的仓库,坑坑洼洼、光线昏暗,向外敞开着。Inside, the bank faintly resembles a musty warehouse—cavernous, dimly lit, and mostly open.

次日上午,我们继续在坑坑洼洼的土路上行驶,前往在越南边界附近的腊塔纳基里。The next morning we continued the bumpy, dusty drive to Ratanakiri, near the Vietnamese border.

成队的军用卡车拖着榴弹炮,沿坑坑洼洼的山路前行,士兵们在泥地里演练,在乡下每隔半英里就出现一座军事基地,瞭望塔在铁丝网背后拔地而起。Convoys of army trucks haul howitzers along rutted mountain roads. Soldiers drill in muddy fields.

平常还忍得过去,可是一到下雨天,坑坑洼洼的泥路进了水后,犹如泥浆一般。Usually also endure the past, but one to the rainy day, bumpy dirt roads into the water, like mud.

大约有一英里长的冰层表面坑坑洼洼,有如麻风病人的脸,而曾经却是光滑如镜。For nearly a mile the glacier's once smooth surface is ragged and cratered like the skin of a leper.

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我朝车站外排队等候的出租车走去,留意避开脚下柏油路上形状可疑的坑坑洼洼,害怕那不要就是地雷。On the way to the taxi rank, I avoided every suspicious lump in the tarmac that might denote a mine.

危险的驾驶员,开得歪歪扭扭的车子,坑坑洼洼的道路,会是一个致命的组合。Dangerous drivers in dodgy vehicles on ill-designed and dismally maintained roads make a lethal cocktail.

人生路上,拐角众多,弯道前,也许坑坑洼洼,走过那一个拐角,也许就是康庄大道。Life on the road, at the corner of many corners, perhaps bumpy, across the corner, perhaps is the broad road.