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中国计划增加早稻播种面积。China expects higher rice planting acre.

早稻的丰收季节即将到来。The harvest season for early rice is about to come.

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洪水覆盖了超过10公顷早稻。The flood water covered over 10 hectares of early rice.

其内容涉及到早稻的推广等方面。The content relates the popularization of the early rice.

五月低温是影响湖南双季早稻的一种常见的低温冷害。Chilling in May causes damages on early rice in the double cropping system.

提出了提高杂交早稻单产需要解决的关键问题。The key issues to further raise the yield of early hybrid rice were put forward.

雨养条件下晚稻产量普遍低于早稻产量。The yield of late rice was lower than that of early rice under rainfed condition.

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早稻的收获季节就要到来了,但是对于我,将没有收成。The early rice harvest season will come soon, but for me, there will be no harvest.

就早稻而言,稻穗分化期和拔节期几乎同时进行。For early rice, young panicle formation stage and elongation stage often overlapped.

进行了沼液浸种在早稻生产中的应用试验。The application of biogas slurry soaking seed on early rice production was conducted.

但受乾旱影响,部分早稻因缺水无法按时栽插。But rice planting could not be completed on time because of the effects of the drought.

早稻甲烷排放峰值出现在水稻幼穗分化期,晚稻种稻期间甲烷排放通量在水稻分蘖盛期最大。The methane emission peak of early rice appeared in young panicle differentiation stage of rice.

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1976年来,广西的扶绥等县,在早稻叶片上出现一种细菌性“短条斑”型的病害,其症状很象稻细菌性条斑病的初期病斑。Since 1976, a bacterial leaf disease of rice was found in the first crop in Fusui and other counties.

但秸秆还田对早稻生长发育的影响明显大于对晚稻生长发育的影响。But the effects of straw manuring on growth and yield was obviously greater in early rice than in late rice.

在早稻生育期,温度由低到高,而晚稻的情况与此相反。During early rice growth period , the temperature was from low to high , while it was opposite for late rice.

双季水稻的增产效应及其稳定性均表现为早稻优于晚稻。Early rice was obviously better than later rice with respect to the yield-increasing effect and its stability.

对32个杂交早稻中、迟熟新组合的整齐度与产量及产量构成因素进行了相关分析。Correlation analysis has been made on evenness degree of characters by using 32 medium, late-maturing hybrid rice.

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进行了沼液浸种在早稻生产中的应用试验。Biogas slurry soaking seed could control rice bakanae disease, improve its economical character and increase yield.

早稻、棉花和烤烟面积有所减少,但秋粮面积增加较多。While the area planted to early rice, cotton and tobacco has decreased, that for autumn grain increased considerably.

例如图1和表1的数据表示两个生产函数,一个是早稻,一个是晚稻。For instance , table 1 and figure 1 present data for two production functions , one for early rice and one for late rice.