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在我的比萨上多加点柿子椒。Please put some extra bell pepper on my pizza.

黄柿子椒添加颜色和味道的任何配方。Yellow bell peppers add color and flavor to any recipe.

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以红茶叶、苹果、柿子椒为主要原料,研制了一种新型的果蔬汁复合茶饮料。Black tea, apple and sweet pepper were used to make a new composite health drink.

学习技巧如何正确骰子在此免费烹饪影片剪辑柿子椒。Learn tips on how to properly dice a bell pepper in this free cooking video clip.

如何正确切丝学习技巧在这片自由的烹饪视频剪辑柿子椒。Learn tips on how to properly julienne slice a bell pepper in this free cooking video clip.

了解如何从一个柿子椒在这个自由烹饪技巧和技术,视频的种子。Learn how to remove the seeds from a bell pepper in this free cooking tips and techniques video.

花青素使很多水果和蔬菜呈深色,如蓝莓和红柿子椒。Anthocyanins provide the dark colours of many fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries and red peppers.

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另外,同样具有辣椒风味但不含辣椒素的柿子椒在墨西哥也一点不受欢迎。Likewise, bell peppers, which have some pepper flavour but no capsaicin, are not at all popular in Mexico.

如果你对这些水果吃厌烦了,辣的胡椒,柿子椒和豆芽也含有大量的维生素C。In case you get tired of eating all that fruit, hot peppers, bell peppers and sprouts also have good amounts of vitamin C.

相反,当我咬着烤红柿子椒,烤玉米棒,芒果,黑豆汉堡,鳄梨调味酱,我知道我就该是这样。Instead, when I bite into roasted red peppers, grilled corn on the cob, mangoes, black bean burgers, guacamole, I know this is me as I am.

花青素使很多水果和蔬菜呈深色,如蓝莓和红柿子椒。他们是黑米呈'黑色'的原因。Anthocyanins provide the dark colours of many fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries and red peppers. They are what makes black rice 'black'.

了解如何从一砍红柿子椒专家相结合,使法国和美国路易斯安纳州阿卡迪亚料理鼠王美食,让一些在这个自由食谱影片凯真料理鼠王。Learn how to chop red bell peppers from an expert to make some Cajun ratatouille in this free recipe video on combining French and Cajun cuisine to make Cajun ratatouille.