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此产品也是我单位的拳头产品。This product is also my fist Products unit.

这是我们厂的拳头产品。This is the knock-out product of our factory.

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目前,我们拳头产品的市场需求非常大。The current demand for our major product is very high.

其中辘骨机、折边机是我们的拳头产品。One reel bone machine, Flap machine is our high-quality products.

一次性卫生竹筷系列产品是本厂拳头产品之一。Chopsticks are disposable sanitary products factory fist products.

我们公司的拳头产品是高品质的空调。The competitive products of our company are quality air conditioners.

岫岩玉雕产品是大连口岸对外出口拳头产品之一。Jades Xiu carving products are the port exports of Dalian as the fist products.

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辉瑞的拳头产品伟哥在下一年会面临非专利药的竞争。Pfizer's blockbuster Viagra will face competition from generics starting next year.

典型报道一直以来都是电视新闻宣传的拳头产品。Typical report has long been the most competitive product in TV propagandistic news.

在2005年,紫杉醇名列34位,而其它三个肿瘤要的拳头产品进入销量榜前50强。In 2005, docetaxel was ranked 34, and three other oncologic blockbusters made the top 50 list.

中国的大银鱼主要供出口,是中国渔业创汇的拳头产品。Whitebait is mainly produced for exports, which is the main product of creating foreign current.

电缆桥架设备是江阴市博士杰科技有限公司的拳头产品。Cable tray equipment is jiangyin BOSJ SCIENCE AND technology co. , LTD. Products sell like hot cakes.

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其拳头产品KY-405生产技术和产品质量达国际先进水平,在市场上独领风骚。The producing technique and the quality of main product KY-405 have got the first class in the world.

我们的基本产品和拳头产品均一直广泛和深入地参与全球市场。We continue to have the broadest and deepest global market coverage in both baseload and niche arenas.

商业的基本目标是创造一款拳头产品,这是举世公认的事实。It is a truth universally acknowledged that the fundamental goal of business is to create a hit product.

这款遥控器显然是他们的拳头产品,因为研究显示狗狗真的很爱看电视。A remote control was apparently their best bet since research shows that canines are really into watching TV.

公司不仅有自身的拳头产品,同时还代理销售国内外的知名产品。The Company not only has its star products, but also is an sales agent for renowned products in and out of the country.

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拳头产品博尔康胶囊、肺艾克胶囊、百消康胶囊、思乐康胶囊通过多年临床验证,疗效显著,为数万病患者带来健康。They can bring in health for thousands of patients by obvious curative effect after clinical verification for many years.

本书描述了Jobs怎么改造了Apple的简约品牌,让拳头产品成为顾客所好。The book describes how Jobs went about simplifying Apple's brand and focusing in on the key products that consumers wanted.

其中“高兴”牌氧化镁板是本公司率先推出的拳头产品。In which "Helong" the sign US magnesium oxide board is the unmatchable product which this company takes the lead to promote.