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我需要一副深褐色的手套。I want puce gloves.

你们可以留着手套。You can keep the glove.

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戴适当手套。S37 Wear suitable gloves.

这手套戴不上去。These gloves won't go on.

那付绿手套是我的。The green gloves are mine.

这些手套全部都是你的吗?Are these gloves all yours?

半穹崖下的手套……Gloves at Half Dome by you.

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你们有什么样的无指手套?。Now what mitts do you have?

作园艺时请戴手套。Wear gloves when gardening.

我能退这双手套吗?Could I return these gloves?

我不喜欢皮手套。I don't like leather gloves.

我友一副皮连指手套。I have a of leather mittens.

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冬天时她戴连指手套。In winter she wears mittens.

快脱下你的手套。Pull off your gloves quickly.

亨利过去常戴一副旧手套。Henry used to wear old gloves.

小手套在尼克旁边蜷成一团。Mittens curls up next to Nick.

塑料/橡胶/乳胶手套rubber, nitrile or latex gloves

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阿丽思拿起扇子和手套。Alice took up the fan and gloves.

我有一副皮连指手套。I have a pair of leather mittens.

护士,给他拿套手术服和手套。Nurse, get him a gown and gloves.