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这时我们说制动器起作用了。We say that the brakes are on.

停车后要拉上驻车制动器。Pull on parking brake after parking.

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一个家伙的脚踏车后制动器坏了。A bloke’s back bike brake block broke.

制动器是鼠标轮的一个凹口。A detent is one notch of the mouse wheel.

其他类型的刹车是鼓式制动器。The other type of brake is the drum brake.

减速器、制动器等起升装置。Reducers, brakes and other lifting devices.

鼓式制动器是汽车上的主要安全部件。The drum brake is the primary safety assembly.

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它做更多的变化与制动器的杠杆。It was much more that shift levers with detents.

2006年,它获得新的座椅,新的前叉和盘式制动器。For 2006, it got a new seat, new fork and disc brakes.

踏下制动踏板,驻车制动器作用。When the brake pedal is depressed, the handbrake works.

它有鼓式制动器和盘式制动器两种结构型式。It has drum brakes and disc brake structure of two types.

伦博已经提供了彩色编码制动器是安装。Brembo has supplied the colour-coded brakes that are fitted.

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宽大的可自我调节鼓式制动器。DEPENDABILITY. Dual self-adjusting drum brakes, larger drums.

这车配有许多特别安全装置,包括防滑制动器。The car has many safety features, including anti-skid braking.

我踏下了制动器才没有撞到救火车上。I put on the brake before the car knocked into the fire engine.

锻压成型,工字形断面,两端拳式,鼓式制动器。Forged module, "H"type section, two fist-end type, drum braking.

并且,齿轮制动器还可防止重物落下。And the ratcheted brake prevented the load from slipping backward.

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本文研究自动增力式制动器的优化设计。This paper studies the optimum design of auto-boosting type brake.

所有的行星绞盘都有一个弹簧应用液压制动器。All planetary winches incorporate a spring applied-hydraulic brake.

基本的生活资料如食品和能源就像这些经济中的制动器一样。The basics like food and energy are like brakes on these economies.