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弹丸之地卡塔尔就是一个例子。Tiny Qatar is just one of the examples.

卡塔尔这个海湾小国虽是弹丸之地,但却在武装给予反对党支持。The small Gulf state was instrumental in arming the rebels.

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十年前,斯威特沃特镇只是一个在北美草原上苦苦挣扎的弹丸之地。Ten years ago it was just one more struggling speck on the prairie.

香港虽只是弹丸之地,但有着独特的生态环境。Despite its small size, the territory has a unique ecological environment.

在某种程度上,这是香港这类弹丸之地的死穴。To some extent, this is a challenge endemic to tiny places like Hong Kong.

波兰则兼并了特申这块备受争议的弹丸之地,那里居住着几千波兰人。Poland had annexed the tiny disputed region of Teschen, where thousands of Poles lived.

香港虽为弹丸之地,但却是七百多万市民的安居之所。Despite being only a small place, Hong Kong is the home of more than seven million people.

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澳门特别行政区是个弹丸之地,面积仅为18平方英里,但那里2007年的博彩收入却超过了拉斯维加斯。Tiny Macau S.A.R., a mere 18 square miles in size, surpassed Las Vegas in gambling revenues in 2007.

因此不能指望人们能在如此广袤无垠的区域内找到弹丸之地香港,至少没有GPS是不行的。No one can be expected to find tiny little Hong Kong in that giant expanse, at least not without GPS.

家人为我奔波寻医,在弹丸之地澳门,尝遍了各种中西药物及治疗法,丝毫不见好转。My family looked for good therapy and medication in Macau, a tiny place, but my situation was not improved.

在香港这个交通便捷的弹丸之地,一个小时的路程就算很长了,特别是在那个年代。In super convenient, compact Hong Kong, a one-hour commute was considered quite long, especially in those days.

在某种意义上,如此广泛的,情绪化的事件从纽约这一弹丸之地产生是合理的。And in a sense, it's fitting that such a sweeping, emotional issue has arisen from this tiny slice of New York City.

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希腊,这样一个弹丸之地,尽管遭受普遍质疑,仍为曾经举办这一现代盛典而骄傲。The smallest country ever to host the modern event, Greece was proud to have pulled it off despite widespread skepticism.

香港这片弹丸之地,在短短几十年间,由一个小渔发展成为国际大都会。In only a few decades, Hong Kong, a dot on the world map, has grown from a small enclave into an international metropolis.

在弹丸之地巴林,安全部队利用橡皮子弹和催泪瓦斯镇压抗议者,致使后者丧生。In tiny Bahrain men have died as the security forces sprayed protesters with rubber bullets and smothered them in tear gas.

很快,世界各地的学生和科学家们来到弹丸之地丹麦,进行研究和学习。他们为玻尔的卓越才华所吸引。Soon students and scientists from all over the world came to tiny Denmark to study and work. They were attracted by Bohr's brilliance.

除去加拿大的一小片土地,再除去被称为南美洲的被看做矿场的弹丸之地之外,这个美洲剩下的就是美国了。And especially, apart from a tiny slice labelled Canada and a small appendage being dug up for minerals called South America, the United States.

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可是看看新加坡吧,这个弹丸之地只是充分利用了IT业的发展,就在世界上博得了远远超过它国土面积的地位。But look at how Singapore is exploiting the growing importance of information technology to command a global role out of proportion to its tiny size.

从一下了飞机,到了机场,新加坡就让我见识到了他们的魅力,如何创造一个弹丸之地的奇迹,和种族的和谐。When I got off the plane and reached the airport, Singapore showed me their charm immediately. How to make a little island wonderful and racial harmony.

拉斯维加斯金沙集团在弹丸之地的澳门经营着两家最大的赌场。该公司已遭遇偿债困难,并在去年末搁置了澳门一个扩建项目。Las Vegas Sands, which has struggled to meet its debt payments and suspended a Macao expansion project late last year, operates the world's two largest casinos in the tiny territory.