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你已经有了一长串名单的熟客。You’ve built a good list of repeat clients.

你觉得熟客卷的设计风格如何?How do you think the style of membership card?

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居然碰见熟客了,那是前些天我拍的一个黑人大叔。Meet a black uncle whom I photo the several days ago.

由于你是我们的熟客,我可以给你优惠。Since you are our regular customer, I could make a concession.

看你是熟客,这次帮你,希望下次再来。As you are regular customer. This time , help you , Holpe you come next time.

西联汇款公司也于1921年向它的熟客发行签帐卡。Western Union had begun issuing charge cards to its frequent customers in 1921.

奎恩曾是八卦小报红人,也是斯特林市夜店的熟客。Queen was a regular tabloid presence and a fixture at the Starling City club scene.

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这些用户就和你一样,他们是站点的熟客。These are the users like you, the ones who have been here before and already get it.

一个持有猎枪的陌生人在路边餐厅挟持了七位熟客作为人质。A stranger armed with a shotgun takes seven patrons hostage inaremote roadside diner.

所谓的精英俱乐部都执行无情的“凭面孔”入场的规则,只允许美女和熟客进场。Elite clubs practice ruthless "face control, " admitting only the beautiful and the connected.

因其经历了糟糕的夜生活而失去一个挥金如土的熟客,这种情况是酒吧经理们都努力避免的商业风险。Losing a repeat big spender because he had a bad night is abusiness risk that managers hope to avoid.

“秘密总部”还被熟客公认为全球最整洁、最友善的一家卡通书店。This boutique store has a reputation for being one of the neatest, friendliest comic stores anywhere.

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普拉蒂尼,这位法国欧足联主席,是欧洲委员会的熟客,曾参与通过了三项有关体育的决议。The French UEFA president is a guest of the European Council which has passed three resolutions on sport.

而服务态度好了,理所当然便有了回头客,继而有了个熟客圈子。And good service attitude, and of course there are the repeat buyers, and then had a circle of regular customers.

上海希尔顿酒店的人员流动并不像其他酒店那样频繁,酒店的员工常常能够认出熟客。The faces of the repeat guests are familiar to many staffs, given Hilton Shanghai's relatively low staff turnover.

如果你是熟客,每次投5美元的话,每次来都有微笑和快捷的服务接待你的。If you’re a regular, tossing in a fiver every once in a while will probably keep those smiles and prompt service coming.

他们所提供服务的质量有助于决定熟客会不会再回来。那是因为服务是销售。The quality of service they deliver helps determine whether or not the patron will return. That's because service sells.

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大量的商店向他们的熟客发行Charga-Plate卡,有点类似现在的百货信用卡。Charga-Plates were issued by large-scale merchants to their regular customers, much like department store credit cards of today.

尽力熟知客人的名字,特别是熟客和长包房的客人,注意观察情况以向客人提供协助。Do utmost to learn names of guests, especially repeat and long staying guests remaining alert to situations to offer assistance.

他不象别的侍者通常做的那样与瓦尔特这个熟客攀谈,但是举止却看得出很友善。He did not chat with Walter as a waiter would with a returning customer, yet there was something in his manner that showed friendliness.