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一只珍珠斑鸠正在风洞中飞行。A diamond dove in a wind tunnel.

那斑鸠唤来的奔骤的风雨!The rain called up by the turtledove.

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你可听到那斑鸠的叫唤?Do you hear the cooing of the turtledove?

有时他们模拟“斑鸠吃谷子”等形象。Sometimes they imitate a turtledove picking up grain.

把这件事告诉牛蛙、猎鸡鹰和斑鸠。Tell that to the bullfrog, chicken hawk or turtledove.

农夫在小鸡小鸭区救了一只斑鸠。Nung-fu saves a dove in the chick and duckling nursery.

到达南山之前,我首先将自己变成斑鸠。Arrives in front of Nanshan, I first turn own the turtledove.

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我也经常住在我在斑鸠城的工作室里。I'm also crashing at my studio a lot which is at Culver City.

发现一堆信鸽里面有一只斑鸠,花色还真的很好看。Found inside a pile of pigeon and a turtledove, color really looks good.

就在昨天,又在意大利北部的法恩扎城发生了700只左右死掉的斑鸠。And yesterday, 700 turtle doves were found dead in Faenza, in northern Italy.

那人又要照他的力量献上一只斑鸠或是一只雏鸽Then he shall sacrifice the doves or the young pigeons, which the person can afford

很久以前我丢失了一头猎犬,一匹枣红马和一只斑鸠,而且我仍然在寻找它们踪迹。I long ago lost a hound, a bay horse and a turtle-dove, and am still on their trail.

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很久以前,我丢失了一只猎犬、一匹栗色马和一只斑鸠,至今仍在寻找它们的踪迹。I long ago lost a hound, a bay horse, and a turtle dove, and am still on their trail.

求你不要将你斑鸠的性命交给野鹰,永远也不要忘记你的穷苦人的性命。Do not betray your turtledove to the beast, do not forget forever the life of your poor.

他继续的呼喊说,“起来,与我同去,我们加入那新生命的喜庆,和斑鸠一起歌唱吧。”"Come with me, into the new life of celebration, let us sing with the doves", he persuaded.

数量在下降的动物包括,河鼠,杓鹬,刺猬,斑鸠和山雀。Other animals in decline include the water vole, curlew, hedgehog, turtle dove and willow tit.

人奉给耶和华的供物,若以鸟为燔祭,就要献斑鸠或是雏鸽为供物。If the offering to the Lord is a burnt offering of birds, he is to offer a dove or a young pigeon.

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圣诞节的第二天,我的真爱送我两只斑鸠和一只在洋李树上的鹧鸪。On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.

结论驱虫斑鸠菊对机体体液免疫和细胞免疫功能都具有明显抑制作用。Conclusion Vernoniaanthelmintica willd could inhibit the humoral and cellular immunity function on normal mouse.

又照他的力量取两只斑鸠或是两只雏鸽,一只作赎罪祭,一只作燔祭。and two doves or two young pigeons, which he can afford, one for a sin offering and the other for a burnt offering.