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这封短信经由专人送交。The note was delivered by hand.

这项工作由专人负责。Someone is put in charge of the work.

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村里安排专人在固定时间喂食大天鹅。Village arrange a fixed time feeding in large swan.

配料时由专人负责配置。Special person takes charge of collocating material.

我会派专人把文件送去。I'll order a special messenger to deliver the document.

做到客户分人跟进专人专管。Customers who do sub-specialized personnel to follow up.

全程专人质量监控,确保产品质量。Our quality -controlled team guarantees the product quality.

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整齐、舒适的空间,教官、舍监专人管理。Rooms of tidiness and comfort, supervised by military instructors.

卷扬机投入使用后,应设专人负责维修保养。After being used, there should be the special staff to maintain it.

阿莱格里可能会派专人盯防梅西,这可说起来容易做起来难。Allegri might put someone to man-mark Messi, easier said than done.

这件事很重要,必须请托专人办理。The matter is vital, make sure to ask someone special to handle it.

我们去了一家有专人为你现场烘烤的铁板烧餐厅。We went to a teppanyaki restaurant where they cook in front of you.

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该公司财务科安排专人负责解决问题。Finance arrangements for staff for the company to solve the problem.

学校会负责为参加冬令营的小朋友安排食宿,由专人做饭。A living place will be provided with a cook for the kids in winter camp.

为每一项改进制定硬指标,并派专人负责。Set tough targets for each one, and hold people accountable for results.

女儿们安排专人为妈妈梳妆打扮,作为生日礼物,让她从头到脚,焕然一新。The girls arranged a head-to-toe makeover for their mom as a birthday gift.

感谢全美观众的参与,得奖者将会在短期内获专人通知领奖。Thank you for your participation. Prizewinners will be notified by mail soon.

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在你上岗第一天,部门经理是否为你安排专人带班?Did the department manager arrange someone to guide you on your first work day?

厂内是否有专人分享和研究抱怨和退货的相关数据?Do you have in-house personnel to analyse and investigate complaints and returns?

我们定当派专人与阁下联络,并提供更详尽的资料。Our specialists will provide detail information and catalogues for your reference.