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这就是死不瞑目。It is a death with open eyes.

她的遗体就躺在他前面,死不瞑目。The aftermath lay right in front of him, staring with open eyes.

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所以我猜你可以说这部电影必将令我死不瞑目。So I guess you could say the film made sure I will die unsatisfied.

假如哥伦布知道他错过了东方国家的话,他会死不瞑目的。Had Columbus known he had missed the Orient,he would have died disappointed.

听听那糟透的音乐,它足以使贝多芬死不瞑目的!Listen to that awful music. It's enough to make Beethoven turn in his grave!

如果你爷爷看到你今天的所作所为,他一定会死不瞑目的。If your grandpa could see what you're doing now, he would turn over in his grave.

这一关于行政权力的解释会让开国先贤们死不瞑目。It is an interpretation of executive power that would make the Founders whirl in their graves.

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如果你仔细听,你会听到几个世纪来的总统都死不瞑目。If you listen carefully, you can hear two centuries of Presidents rolling over in their graves.

不要忘记那些被共和国诬蔑而死不瞑目的人们。Do not forget those who have been wrongfully accused by the Republic and died refusing to close their eyes.

不料死者忽然睁开眼睛,似乎死不瞑目,道三表示能够替他们作法,却遭伊右卫门回绝。Behold the dead suddenly opened his eyes, seems to death three said gently, way to practice, but for them by Iraq right-back door rebuffed.

乌尔都克猛然刺出长剑穿透了酋长的胸部,然后他目不转睛的盯着酋长死不瞑目的双眼,直到他缓缓的瘫倒在地。Urduuk thrust the blade forward suddenly and drove it through the chieftain's chest, staring into the ogre's eyes as he crumpled to the ground.